Rebirth, Pan's Reason, and a Tale of Three Dead Angels

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"You need to stop complaining, figure out what you're halfway decent at, and become tunnel fucking vision. Stop worrying about other people's opinions. If you wouldn't take advice from them, don't take their criticism."

The G-Talk conference took place at the same fancy hotel it always had in downtown Miami. Fifty golden eagle subscribers to the Gary Z MeTube channel were listening to their life coach, Gary Zanderwhal, national self-help guru and motivational speaker.

"The number one thing that scares the fuck out of me is regret. You can sit there at seventy-two, knowing that you missed your shot, or you can sit there at seventy-two knowing you gave it all you had. Thank you for coming everyone! You were amazing! Now stay amazing!"

Gary walked backstage to a cheering crowd and immediately started cursing at his assistant.

"How many more of these FUCKING things do I have to do?"

"As many as it takes, Lord Leviathan." Suzie replied.

"She's not coming! I told you and told them she's not coming. This is a waste of time. I need to be pushing out MeTube content, not speaking at these fake ass G-Talks waiting and hoping that she shows up."

"We're getting good content from these talks, master." Suzie smiled.

"It's not the same as me talking to my billion followers on the personal level, and you know it. And don't you say another fucking word. You know how frustrated I can get. Honestly, it's like you don't know me at all."

"I know you better than most, my lord. And I care about you more than anyone else. I'm just trying to help."

"I know you are, sweet girl." Gary cupped her face in his palm. "But fucking stop. I don't need you to care about me. I need you to go fuck yourself." He smiled wildly, then turned and walked away, loosening his necktie. "You talk more than any other assistant I've ever had. Maybe I should take that away. Make you a mute. I bet you would end up annoying me with fucking sign language, though. You would, wouldn't you?"

Gary turned around and a fist had already impaled Suzie through her chest.

"You finally came." Gary said.

Ella pulled her hand out of Suzie and shoved her body to the floor. She lunged at Gary. Stagehands and Gary's other various assistants screamed, running for the exits.

He dodged all of Ella's attacks, each one surely would have ripped the skin off his face. His eyes glowed bright white, and a burst of energy knocked her through the wall and onto the stage.

"Look at you," Gary lifted Ella by the neck. "I can't believe this is what killed my brothers. Take her, so I can return to my normally scheduled life."

Gary threw Ella into his crowd and they pulled out their guns.

"Now you show yourself?" Gary said. "Too busy with Wallstreet to see your own plan play out?"

"I was busy with one of your assistants. It got a little messy."

His name was Elliot Puutzer, but inside he was Mammon, one of the last original fallen angels. He wore a black business suit and chewed a toothpick in his mouth; and Gary's crowd? They were all part of Elliot's security detail.

"Hopefully my security team can take her down." Elliot said. "We got a name yet?

"Yep. Her name is Ella Croft." A ten-year-old boy approached from backstage.

"About time, Sathanas." Gary said.

"I came as soon as I could."

"What?" Elliot said. "You had to convince mommy and daddy to let you come watch us kill a succubus?"

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