CH 11

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After so much love I must have for you. In the end, he received back his doubts

"So you don't love me like you said Dunk. If you loved me, you would have believed what I said last night."

Dunk laughed loudly, not happily at all, because he laughed with tears in his eyes.

"How strong do you think your feelings are for someone Joong? If you loved me, you would never have left me alone, letting me endure everything like that. And I don't care what she said to me to make me act like that."If love can only be understood by one word "Love".... It will soon be deleted when people write it wrong."

Joong couldn't say anything anymore. Dunk is right, He hasn't done anything for dunk. Even turning a statement into action.

"Dunk.....I'm sorry... For being harsh with you. I didn't understand. But I promise from now on. I will not leave you half a step, love and care for you. Don't think about divorce, okay?

Dunk doesn't want it either

"Why is that?... Why were you always cold towards me before joong, not putting me in your eyes... but now you turn to be so gentle and loving towards me? You're acting right? Let's end it, let's go our separate ways, I'm tired "

(When will Dunk understand his feelings?)

"I told you, I won't end this relationship with you, don't think about leaving even if you sign the divorce papers I won't sign. If one of them doesnt sign than the divorce will not happen "

Saying that, he stood aside to let the doctor treat Dunk's wound. Burning is not a minor thing. There were also a few injuries caused by broken tea cup fragments.

"Why are you so careless. Burned like that, and injured too. Temporarily you will not be able to walk for about 1 or 2 weeks. Don't use too much force on your legs, it will make it harder for the wound to heal. Be patient" the doctor instructed them

Dunk nodded slightly. Joong saw his personal doctor out the door. He stayed a bit and showed the doctor his X-ray from before.

"Having a misaligned bone like that is also quite dangerous. If not detected early and reshaped later, it will be very difficult to reshape. Wear a cast for one month or two months depending on the severity. During this period, the patient will have to regularly take painkillers, otherwise they will easily develop a fever or faint from pain. You should pay more attention to Dunk about his health. Dunk's body is quite weak and gets sick very easily."

(Such a small person suffers from all kinds of diseases. Why don't I see you complaining about pain, discomfort or fatigue dunk )

After seeing the doctor off, Joong brought him a bowl of porridge. In addition, there are a few pre-prescribed pills.

"Dunk.....Can you wake up and eat porridge? You still have to take medicine."

Not receiving his answer, Joong sighed and looked at the person whose back was turned towards him

"I know you're still angry with me. But please think about your health, okay? Your body is very weak. Currently you are not well so you can get sick easily. If you dont take care of your body, What will happen if we have children in the future?

Dunk sat up and looked straight into Joong's eyes.

"Joong I'm sorry...I..."

Joong interrupted Dunk and said

" You are not at fault dunk. It's because I didn't understand how uncomfortable you were when you met Pink. I didn't think about your feelings. And did not protect you from getting hurt. Please forgive me dunk "

Dunk smiled and nodded. (There are situations where I have to be the one to make peace first. Because if we don't reconcile, we won't have many beautiful memories together. In the future, when I'm far away from you, I won't have any happy memories to remember you anymore.)

"Good, Eat porridge and take medicine."

Joong gently patted his head and kissed the other person's lips.

"No matter how harsh you say to me. I will still love you Dunk."

"I love you too"

( I love you more than you love me joong. I hope that in the future, if I leave, it won't affect you. Afterall this marriage is in name) Dunk just thought and ate the porridge which joong gave him

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