CH 25

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"Big Dad!!! Big dad comes to play with Jayd right ?"

After waking up, Jayd came out of the room and saw Joong and ran to hug him tightly.

"That's right baby...Did Jayd sleep well?"

Joong rubbed the baby's soft head and kissed one soft cheek. Jayd nodded. Give him a pretty little thumbs up.

"Yes!!!!! "

His son is so good.

Jayd took advantage of Dunk's absence to tell Joong about last night.

"Father....Yesterday, Pa was angry, Pa told me not to talk to Big Daddy anymore. But did Big Daddy do something wrong to Pa that he stopped me ?"

Joong was a bit unhappy when he heard this but still smiled at the baby.

"Jayd don't be angry at your Pa. It's true that Big Daddy is at fault which made him angry. Big dad is making amends. Will Jayd help Big Daddy make amends with his Pa ?"

The little boy held out his pretty little finger in front of his face.


Joong told him to go to the bathroom and he went to the kitchen with Dunk.

"Why don't you let Jayd call me Dad dunk ?"

Dunk was a bit startled because his voice must have been right behind him. So close that he could hear his somewhat rapid breathing.

"How many days have you taken care of the boy that you claim the right to be a father?"

Joong turned his whole body to face him. Lock him in his arms.

"Have you ever given me the opportunity to take care of you and the child? Even an apology from me, you didn't give me a chance to say it. When will you finally understand me, Dunk?"

Dunk laughed at the current situation.

"It's not your fault that you have to be like this. The person at fault is me. I didn't give you the opportunity to take care of the child, nor did I understand you.... So it's all my fault. "

Joong was too tired because since meeting him until now, both of them have argued every time. I had to speak up first to make peace.

"Okay...that is enough. You are not wrong....I'm sorry. Don't argue anymore, it won't be good if Jayd hear it."

Dunk pushed him away, turned around and continued cooking. Joong in the back sighed. Dunk has been very irritable lately, and small matters become big things. Joong nver thought comforting him would be so difficult.

After a while, Jayd also came out, sitting neatly on the chair waiting for his father to bring out the food.

"Jayd eat well, then Pa will take you to school "

Jayd looked at the plate that Dunk gave with vegetables on the table and grimaced slightly. Jayd doesn't like them. Normally, dunk often forces him to eat vegetables.

"Nooooo jayd won't eat vegetables "

Dunk knows that. He had forced the baby to eat vegetables many times and as a result, Jayd vomited them all. When going to school, Dunk always prepares juice from vegetables and fruits for the kid because if the vegetables are left whole like that, Jayd will only eat meat.

"Why ?..... If I can eat it, why can't you eat it? You have to gradually get used to it, from now on I won't force you any more....I'll give you juice made from"

Joong was next to Dunk and spoke up to stop him before he was about to scold Jayd

"Dunk....Calm down already. I will tell him....don't scold him anymore. He is a kid "

Joong got up and sat next to Jayd picking up each vegetable and bringing it to his mouth.

"Jayd Please try it....Vegetables are not as bad as you think. If you finish this plate of vegetables, dad will take you out for ice cream, okay?"

Hearing this, Jayd's eyes lit up, trying to swallow the remaining vegetables and surprisingly joong made Jayd finish all the vegetables.

"Let me help you take our child to school. Please stay home and rest, I see your health is not good today"

Dunk was neither cold nor bland as he spoke while putting on Jayd's shoes.

"Thanks "

Joong held Jayd in his arms, put him in the passengers seat and drove him to school. Than came home.

Dunk was not in the living room, nor was he in the kitchen. When Joong entered the room, he was startled to see Dunk holding his stomach and writhing on the bed.

"Dunk....What's wrong ?"

Only then did Dunk speak to him in a weak voice.

"Medicine... get me the blister the drawer...please "

The pain made him feel like he wanted to die. It's very difficult to say a complete sentence.

Joong quickly ran to the drawer and took out a single blue blister pack inside. Dunk took the pill in his mouth and passed a little water through his lips.

Dunk grabbed the bed sheet so tightly that it wrinkled, the medicine had not yet worked and the pain still showed no signs of reducing. It took a while for Dunk to gradually fall asleep.

Joong than ran out to call his personal doctor to ask about the medicines Dunk took

"Dunk has a stomachache, you know?"

"I know.... But Dunk had just finished breakfast and had not missed a meal. How can it be a stomach ache?"

"Stomach pain is partly due to inadequate diet and partly due to psychological instability. If you say so, then Dunk seems to be having psychological problems. You should ask and take care of Dunk regularly. Take good care of him "

"Okay doctor "

Joong returned to the room, he lay down next to Dunk and hugged him. He can see his eyebrows are still slightly furrowed, it looks like he's still in pain. Receiving the warmth of the person next to him, Dunk moved closer towards that warmth, hugging Joong tightly. The two were so close that Joong could clearly hear Dunk's even breathing. Looking at Dunk's face, which was somewhat sunken compared to before, Joong couldn't help but feel sad.

"What should I do to make you accept me Dunk. I love you "

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