Day 1 Again

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"Come on in," Doctor Mallin said. "Sarah..." she smiled "It's been a while, take a seat."


*Siren Rings*

A teacher walks through a school hallway with a student behind him. He stops by a class, slides the door open and walks in. The students disperse to their seats and eye the girl next to the man.

"We have a newcomer." Mr Henry announced getting himself a round of celebratory madness. "Quiet now, let's allow her to introduce herself," he said and looked over to Sarah who took off her hood and brushed her hair back.

"I'm Sarah. Sarah Agosti." Silence. " that it?" Mr Henry asked and the students exchanged glances. "Yes." She responded. Mr Henry cleared his throat and looked around the class. "There's an empty seat over there next to Thomas..." as he spoke Sarah was already on her way over.

Thomas gave Sarah an assessing look that she ignored and looked back down. "Let's take care of Sarah and PLEASE, behave yourselves."

"Yes!!" Mr Henry shook his head and chuckled as he walked out of the classroom. As soon as the door shut Sarah took out her books and started reading while taking some notes. Some students took the hint and didn't go over to her but one boy in particular stood from his seat and went over to Sarah's desk. One glance at the guys in the desk opposite Sarah's and they stormed off giving him space to sit and stare and Sarah. Sarah dropped her pen and looked up at him lazily.

"Hi, I'm Christopher, but you can call me Chris," the guy said and extended one of his hands out. Sarah ignored his hand and her eyes moved to his elbow which was on one of her books.

"Oh! My bad," he said and as he was about to fix the page of the book, Sarah grabbed his hand and shoved it away before continuing with her work.

"What the hell?" Sarah ignored him and continued taking notes.

Just go away.

As he was about to say something again, the door opened and a teacher walked in. Christopher cursed and as he walked over to his seat, Thomas sneaked a peek at Sarah- and so did Denzel who sat at the back of class who was amused by Sarah and Christopher's interaction.

After hours of lessons it was lunch time and as Sarah packed her bags, Denzel went over to her desk.

"Hey," Sarah called out to Thomas who's hazel eyes snapped to her. "Where's the cafeteria?" She asked. "Come with me, I'll take you," Denzel said but Sarah didn't even turn to look at him. "Are you going there right now?" She directed her question to Thomas who nodded in response. "Then let's go," she said and stood up to make her way to the door with Thomas walking right behind her.

"Tommy..." Denzel drawled and Thomas stopped. "I'll take her, you can leave," he said and Thomas ran outside. Sarah turned around and looked up at Denzel.

"Let's go," he grabbed Sarah's wrist and without hesitation she pushed him off. "Don't touch me," she warned and walked away leaving him with a fascinated smile. "Interesting.." he thought out loud.

Sarah found her way to the cafeteria and took a seat at an empty table after getting some food. As she ate a group of girls approached her.

For fuck's sake.

"Hey you," the short blonde girl spoke. "What were you doing alone in class with my man?" Sarah ignored her and continued eating. Irritated by this, the girl shoved Sarah's shoulder, "Are you deaf? I'm fucking talking to you!"

I have no idea why they always scream.

Sarah put her chopsticks down. "I'm eating right now...girl." she said getting a disgusted look from the girl."Leave." She said keeping her eyes on her tray of food. "I don't know who your so called man is, so leave me alone, while I'm still asking you," she said looking up at the girls.

The girl scoffed despite her visible discomfort. "You stay away from Denzel, or I'll make your life a living hell," she said before storming off. Sarah shook her head and picked up her chopsticks again.

"What's up with that bitch?" Christopher asked his group of friends. "Who?" Cane asked pulling his girl onto his lap. "The new girl, Sarah. Did you see what she did earlier?" He asked throwing his hands around. "Just leave her, it's her first day," Brian said but Christopher immediately responded. "No, she's in out turf now, she needs to know how shit works around here," he said and just then Sarah walked in.

As she walked towards her desk, Christopher approached her and blocked her path. Sarah sighed. "What? What's that for?" He asked offended.

"Move," Sarah said. "I don't want to though," Christopher said grinning. Sarah tried to take a different route but the others stood on her way too.

Sarah smiled. She flipped her long ash hair back and looked up to Christopher's eyes as she walked over to him. "What're you doing?" Christopher asked taking a step back.

"You guys-" she looked at the other three, "-you're really shameless," she said shaking her head keeping her sadistic smile on her face. "Four boys, one girl," she tsked, "It's really humiliating."


"Kids, don't mess with me...and I won't mess with you. Then we'll have a good school life hmm, how's that sound?" She offered tilting her head to the side.

Christopher stopped moving when he realized his back was now on the notice board. Sarah turned away from him and went to her seat. The three guys looked at each other then at Christopher who
seemed to be in a trance before he snapped out of it.

What the fuck was that.

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