➤ OP-12 // In With The New

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The cold morning breeze had settled with the fog, what a gloomy start to the day. Luckily I wasn't the one busting my ass off running laps. Sitting on top of a pile of crates as I watched the next batch of recruits marching around the Hereford Base's rugby field, throwing mud up with each burpee finished. Zofia and I had been given the lucky job of breaking in the newest batch into Rainbow. These guys were sent in from the U.N. to act as an extra hands-on base or whenever we needed more guns on an OP. "Maybe one of you will be lucky enough to get a taste of victory!" I shouted. "But for now, what you taste is where you are in skill."

"Y'know, they would love for you to join them," Zofia smirked as she looked up at me.

"And get my freshly cleaned boots dirty?" I remarked with an overly dramatic tone. "How could you Zof?"

"Like this," She said as she kicked out the load-bearing crate from the pile and dropped me like a dunk tank. She pulled me back up by my hand; my back was covered in mud. "Alright get up!"

She called the recruits to attention. "Today we'll be running something new, a game of cat and mouse," Zofia explained, causing the recruits to murmur amongst themselves. "Being a part of Rainbow isn't just raiding the next big bad guy, or showing off the fanciest new tech. Sometimes you have to play defense."

"VIP, Securing the objective until evac arrives, even escort!" I listed off a few and stepped forward getting a good look at each of them. "But I feel like you're here for the Invitational, I'm here to see if you got what it takes to represent your country." I pulled up my mask and pointed to the killhouse, "Today you'll be pushed against the clock to set up and defend before a team of operatives will break in and try to capture your objective. Simple?"

I received a variety of acknowledgments before I sent them in. "You mind if I run solo?"

"Go right ahead," Zofia smirked at my boldness, taking a seat on one of the crates she kicked over. "I'll be taking my break over here." She leaned back on the bleacher seats, opening her phone to watch the inside cameras.

I made the brief jog to my armory locker and retrieved my OMNI .410 and SIG P226, grabbing a modest amount of ammunition, smoke grenades, and a Nitro cell. "Time to give'em a warm welcome," I smirked.

By the time I got back, they had finished setting up the entire building. "You sure you don't want a second pair of eyes in there?"

"Don't bother," I held down the button on my Eye Of Darkness and charged up the EMP blast. "You won't be missing out." As I neared the front entrance of the Hereford Killhouse, I released the EMP; plunging the entire killhouse into darkness, hearing some amount of swearing as I kicked through the main door. 

Walking in it wasn't long till I spotted a group of the recruits with their white lights on. I shot first with my pistol. Taking out one but quickly ducked into a room as fire was returned, the muzzle flashes giving brief flashes of light beyond their flashlights.

I peeked my head out only to quickly dive back as a sniper shot rang out through the hall. "Tch. Looks like we got a sharpshooter." I remarked with a smug as I unclipped a smoke grenade from my vest and tossed it out into the hall, hearing the bullet pierce through the can and releasing the contents.

I activated my NVGs and marched through the smoke, iron sights raised and got to the other side of the smoke and mag dumping into the first two recruits I saw. A third tried to grapple me from behind but I launched him forward and finished him off with the last two rounds in the mag.

What's next? The staircase, I pulled up my OMNI .410 and carefully scanned the staircase as I walked up. I heard a group of them pushing onto my position, unholstering my pistol I pre-fired as I rounded the corner, using their lights against them.

"Center Mass!" "He's on the Stairs!" "Fuck its him!"

Shouts overlapped with each other. Panic fills their voices. I loved it. Raising my shotgun as one stood at the ledge of the staircase and blasted his thigh with a synthetic round, sending him tumbling down the steps. That's gotta leave a mark.

Gotta keep moving. They were unorganized in the darkness. No trust in each other. Bumping shoulder to shoulder – Sloppy and Unrefined. "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide," I said as I blasted my way through a way and finished the job with my handgun.

Bullets ricocheted against the floor – they blew through the upper floor. They had vertical, smart ones. I fell back and returned fire to cover myself – walking backward into a bathroom. Fortunately, the door to the outside also led to the second level. But before I did I left a nitro cell stuck to the ceiling.

Busting my way through a window, the top floor was wide open for the most part. Two rooms and one little outcove. I dived and rolled across the floor, spotting the two who blasted open the floor; taking them out like yesterday's news. "Two left–"

Bullets sprayed through the sheet metal walls, forcing me to run across the room. I rounded the corner to the room and dropped to one knee, blasting every last shell I had in that magazine. "Shit, I'm spent." No more shells, I let the shotgun fall and catch itself with the sling.

"It's been a nice fight, sir. But I'm pulling us the win." A recruit spoke up from behind me. "Put the gun down and we'll call it a day."

"Now, is that any way to talk to a superior?" I asked, reaching for the pin on a smoke canister. "What's your name son?"

"Aiden Cooper, but they call me 'Green Stag', Sir."

"Well Green Stag let's hope you learn to finish the fight first," I yanked the pin from the canister on my vest and released a cloud of smoke as the power returned to the building. I was able to get the run around on him and opened fire, forcing him into the room. "You talk to much Son, remember this...Keep your ears to the ground."

As I said this I pulled out the detonator for the Nitro Cell and detonated it, watching the explosion erupt from the floor and sending him crashing through a wall.

One by One the recruits walked out of the killhouse, some of their heads hanging low. "Don't worry, with time you'll get better," I reassured them with two thumbs up much to their displeasure. "You think I went too hard?"

"Hm?" Zofia was rewinding footage and watching the fights go down. "What do you think of the recruits?"

"A lot of them are hardasses, never been put in the scenarios we go through but I'm glad for that..." I replied she seemed to agree; no one needed to go through what we go through. "Though, Aiden Cooper– His friends call him Green Stag. He's got potential."

"I'll have him noted down for potential recruitment." Zofia smiled as she tapped away on her tablet. "Alright, everyone! Get to your barracks and rest up for tomorrow!"

A collective of sighs and groans was a response as they dragged themselves off the field. Though I spotted Cooper giving me a salute before heading off, I kindly nodded in response. A lot of potential in that one. If only he talked less.

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