➤OP-04 // RAINBOW_6

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One bottle of beer on the wall, pass it around and you're all done. Who knows how long we've been stuck in this rancid fucking basement. Nokk and I were moved around from room to room to prevent us from thinking of anything new, eventually, they stuffed us in a room with the other operators from Team Rainbow. The ones that were with her on her mission to be exact. I got to know their callsigns: Glaz, Mute, Goyo, and Dokkaebi.

Reconnaissance Specialist, Intelligence Officer, Demolitions, and Electronics. Nokk was the head of their mission before it went sideways. Caught in a trap involving artifacts being traded by drug rings.

Every so often they would take one of us to try and get some sort of info out of us. It didn't work obviously, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell. I'm pretty sure I've breathed more water than drinking it while here.

The rattling of the cell door woke us all up as the fanatic stood there with his two guards. "Who's first?" He asked I could see his finger itching to pull the trigger of his gun. I weakly stood up, throwing my weight against the wall of the cell to support myself.

"Think I'm thirsty," I smugly remarked. "Though I don't think you could do anything to me."

He slid the cell door with a slam and marched in, grabbing the back of my head and slamming the bottom of his pistol against my nose. "Fuck!" He broke something, I know it. With nothing to lose, I threw myself against him and tried to tackle him.

I was too weak, he easily shook me off and threw me to the ground. He aimed the pistol down at me but held back. "You're not worth the bullet." A swift kick to my stomach before he left the cell.

"You didn't think it'd work for the second time, did ya?" Mute remarked, on his two-hundredth game of Rock-Paper-Scissors with Dokkaebi.

"I think the dehydration is getting to him." She added.

Nokk kneeled next to me, checking my pulse. "You don't learn to wait do you?" She had told me that Rainbow was en route for our rescue, but who knows how long that would take. I wasn't one for idleness.

"I think those beatings did teach me a little patience," I joked, pushing myself up. Unveiling a set of keys between my hands that I managed to snag while I was trying to tackle the boss. "Though, we could always sit here."

"You Americans don't know when to quit, do they?" Nokk pulled me onto my feet, gathering her team around. "You got a plan, hotshot?"

"There's an armory not too far, but getting out is the harder part...I don't know how many guns are going to be pointed at us once we pull this off." I explained. "But you don't get anywhere without trying. So let's kill these fuckers."

"If you want to do this, better do it now," Goyo reminded us of the consistently patrolling guards. I nodded, reaching between the cell bars and unlocking the door. Sliding it open as quietly as I could. Together we snuck through the compound, picking up pieces of scrap metal we could use as weapons.

I locked my arm around the neck of a white mask and pulled him back, letting Glaz stab a rebar rod through his chest. He picked up his gun and kept moving. The compound was a concrete building with twisting and winding halls, with makeshift cells that weren't the most stable but prisoners were kept in with fear of death.

Glaz killed a Whitemask on the staircase, letting us finally reach the armory. He watched our flank as he rushed into the room, grabbing the first weapons we saw. "Are these L86's?" Mute asked as he racked one of the rifles.

"How'd they get their hands on these," Glaz asked, realizing what gun he was holding. "These questions are for later, focus up people." He stacked up beside an exit, with the rest of us following his lead.

He pulled the door handle with the barrel of the gun, and as he did so bullets ricochetted off the steel. With a will to live, we fought tooth and nail to get through the compound. "Contact!" Goyo shouted as he sprinted down the hall, sliding behind a palette of cinderblocks.

"Push up!" I exclaimed, shooting out a Whitemask grunt's knee and using him as a body shield. Throwing the body at them before lighting them up, the weight of the trigger against my finger as a firehose of lead fired off.

They joined me and gave a pat on my soldier of approval. I kept moving, gripping the handle of the next door I pushed and entered the room. But before I could the metal door was yanked from my hand and slammed back into my face. A force pulled at my collar and slammed me to the ground. Whitemasks flooded into the room, screaming at the others to put down their guns. This was it, it's all over for us. I was about to be killed- They were about to be killed- Nokk was about to be killed.


The skylights burst open in a smokey explosion as cable ropes came down and with them Soldiers. They gunned down the White mask grunts in a swift execution, A man in a Navy Seal uniform landed in front of me and pulled the dead Whitemask off me. "Lieutenant Craig Jenson, but you can call me Blackbeard."

"You with Team Rainbow?" I took his hand and pulled myself up.

"Yes, Sir. Where are the others?" He handed me his D-50.

"Right there," I nodded toward the door where the other operators entered. "Is this just a rescue or is there more to it?"

Craig motioned for the others to keep moving, "Intel says the Chemicals are here, Sir."

"Right then, let's finish the job." I racked the D-50 and joined them on the hunt. We pushed through the compound, finding large vats of chemicals and a window into the lab. Suddenly White mask soldiers banged against the window, begging for help as the flames and gas raged on inside. "They're trying to burn the evidence!"

"If we can get them out, then we'll have more intel about the bigger picture," Mute advised, stacking behind me. "Think of this as your audition tape if you ever want to join the big leagues."

"Since when do you have a sense of humor?" I remarked as Blackbeard and the others breached through the door, allowing the Whitemasks to funnel out and collapse. I planted the barrel of the D-50 against the head of the largest terrorist. "You got any info we need?"

"Y-Yes! I'll tell you everything just get me away from here!" He begged.

I nodded to the Soldiers, "Good man." Handing the D-50 back to Blackbeard and letting him handcuff the Whitemask. I helped the other grunts sit up and take off their masks, getting a photo of each of them for a mugshot.

"Take a breath, everyone, collect the captured and what evidence is left... We're leaving!" Blackbeard shouted. We gathered the living and planted them outside the compound, he called in local law enforcement to handle the transport of chemicals.

A helicopter landed in front of the compound, inside it was a flight crew with German patches, and underneath their flags were patches with a '6' on them. More members of Rainbow I assume. One by one they loaded onto the transport, I was the last one. "Rainbow, huh?" I smirked as Nokk reached out her hand to pull me in. "Might as well give it a try."

With that, I was the last one in the Heli, closing the door and watching the ground grow more and more distant. Further away from the compound that held me for who knows how long. 

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