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Looking at her, my arms wrapped around this siren who has stolen me just as I have stolen her. My lips pressed to hers she pulls away, to look me in the eyes.

When she looked at me that way.. it was missing its look, the look that says she would drown me with a smile.

No.. she was looking at me with a mixture of surprise and adoration those pale green eyes of hers.

hell, she's not running, kicking, or threatening to scream the ship to pieces.

shes.. not running. im terrified, of breaking this paper-thin thing we're building.

"Calico" she whispers. god I love her voice, i love it when she's yelling, when she's calm, and id love it when she's singing. I love how her voice sounds like a prayer when she says my name.

"Now do you believe me?" I asked, cupping her face with a hand

"That im in love with you, that I want to have something with you? I've never felt this way about someone before. Never in my life..."

she sighs, looking at me "I shouldn't want you. I should hate you, kill you. but. I don't want to." She says softly, conflicted with herself.

"I know, but I cannot say I'm sorry. because that would be a lie, and I don't want to lie to you Aliana. because I love that you want me, I love that you are mine. saying I don't would be lying to you." I say, keeping her close

"You a bastard.." she says, but with a slight smile.

"I always will be darling," I say with a grin.

and that when the deck above erupts in screams

im back bitches.

also rn im listening to this video i sang in, and i wanna kms <3

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