C.1. Caught.

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"No!" I scream, watching helplessly as my little sister swims into the net on accident, watching her small figure flail around and get even more tangled, the nets wrapping around her pale blue tail like pythons with their prey.
"Aliana. help! I'm stuck, my fins won't budge"
"I'm coming!" I yell, swimming to the net, trying to untangle her as the humans above wrestle to get the net up, the coarse fiber burning my skin under the water as I struggle. I manage to pull her free, right as the net breaks the surface.
we take each other's hands, about to swim away, but I cant move any farther, I'm being pulled towards the surface.
"Aliana! Here ill help" Isla says, as the nets pull up. her hands flitter about my tail, trying to untangle me, but she's not fast enough.
"Isla, we don't have time. You have to go before the air-breathers see you," I say to her, pressing a kiss to her cheek
"Isla, I'll find you again. I promise." I whisper, my fin breaking the surface as they try to drag me upwards into their boat, the net cutting into my scales, a slight amount of blood breaking from the lines cutting into my tail
"Aliana- no! I can help I can't leave you." she tries
"Bye, little sister. you have to go." I take her pinky in mine, a soft sad smile on my face
"I'll find you again. I promise." I kiss her forehead softly
"Aliana.. you swear it?" she whispers
"I swear it Isla," I say, likely lying through my teeth, she's only seven.
I wouldn't be able to live, knowing she's on some random ship. I feel a few tears run down my face as I get dragged above the water, pulled onto a large boat, flung onto the main deck, the nets digging into my train, a small bit of blood and water mixing around me.
I blink rapidly to get used to the sudden sunlight, only to be faced with the most attractive air-breather I've ever seen.

(Spade has vocal cords.... maybe..?)


i made a new first chapter because the first one literally sucked

idk why but im better at writing at 3 am-


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