chapter 28

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(No one pov)

We cut to see frost who is taking out some shrapnel out of his  back painfully having to use the mirror to watch what he does 

Frost:"fuck this hurts like a bitch"

Frost gets the last shrapnel out of his back and let it hit the sink

Frost went to sit down but stops when the place starts to shake   from something hitting  the place


frost looked at the speaker the woman voice came from and saw the guards going towards the door to the right  and multiple guards  went that way but frost saw this as a chance and ran at the   metal bars and kicks it off and into a few of the guards crushing them and made one drop there weapon 

Frost dodged an electric baton and grabbed it from the mutant guards  and Jammed it threw there head and takes there laser gun and shoots the other mutant guards around him using the corpse  as cover  to block the shots when the fight was over frost was the last one stabbing in the hall filled with mutant  and regular skibidis corpses

Frost dropped the corpse but kept their laser gun as it was recharging now instead of going towards the left to see what was there and when he opened the door he saw there were prisoners of multiple races here but the main race frost  sees was magnet men

Frost saw they were badly  injured and haven't been helped most likely only fed

Frost saw a giant cage and looked inside finding the female magnet titan hurt as one arm is gone and they have multiple holes in there clothes and bad burn marks on them luckily there was nothing reviling looking but frost saw it was the blue magnet titan 

Frost saw a giant cage and looked inside finding the female magnet titan hurt as one arm is gone and they have multiple holes in there clothes and bad burn marks on them luckily there was nothing reviling looking but frost saw it was the blue magn...

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Frost saw a control pannle up above on a catwalk

South looks up at the cameraman and is surprised that he's is there

South:cameraman can you free my  kind first before me they need more help then me at the moment focus on them first

Frost:I won't need to as I plan the break you all out of here now

Frost  jumped as high as he could onto the wall then jumped off the wall barely catching onto the platform and pulling him self up painfully  as frost goes over to the panel and hits the big red button witch open every cell and the collar on all the prisoners  letting them use there natural abiltys


frost yelled to get everyone attention witch worked

Frost:the exit  is right behind you threw that door and threw the next one this place is currently under attack by the alliance so get to them in one group and make sure they don't think your a threat

Frost heard asmodues let a loud screach  and  she sounded enraged  and another earthquake happened  making a lot of them almost fall but frost tells them to go witch all bout south does stay behind

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