chapter 20

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(no one pov)

We come back to see a few multiverse alliance  leaders looking for frost   and we see quart's find him in universe 3  finally but they can barely see threw his camera lens most likely it being damaged 

Quarts goes to the other girls and tells them  she found him and told them to get the other leaders when there a available  well she goes back to watch what frost is seeing for now

(Zombie universe)

We see the two large  magnet skibidis make it to the base and put zombie hacker down with a lot of alliance aimed at her and slash ready to attack but she does see frost and zombie tv woman but most important is frost is behind held to her chest and part of the back of the camera head is between her breasts  but part of the frost left  and the lens is damaged 

Slash picks them off her as the two  large magnet skibidis  get away from hacker and fly to behind most of the alliance  

Slash:what happened I can tell your cured

Zombie Sally: I don't know  well we were getting away something just shot at them hitting him in the lens breaking the top left of his camera lens and making him fall down I think he's in power down mode

Frost:can you let me go I'm fine

Both of them were surprised  seeing as a cameraman should be forced power down mode tell repairs are made

Slash:how are you still powered on

Frost: probably gonna have to tell might as well show seeing as this helmet is weak by my enemy

Frost is allowed to move and he removes the camera head looking at the damage and shocking the two girls seeing his human face slash saws on her head started to slowly move well zombie Sally has a blush on her screen

Frost  feels his head if he was bleeding which he wasn't 

frost  sighs and puts his damaged camera head on his side  and looks over her slash hand at zombie hack who started to move

Frost:she started to move and be ready even if I cured her we don't know what will happen

We see zombie hacker groan a little bit and feel her head and sit up and looks around seeing everyone aiming at her and slice had her  left chainsaw ready and actives

Zombie hacker:why is everyone looking like they're ready to kill me

Everyone signed when she started to talk and zombie hacker but her  drones back as she got up slowly and looked at her self

Zombie hacker:what happened to me?

Slash: you were one of the firsts ones to be infected causing a lot of your kind to be infected theres only one hundred of your kind not infected but you and skynet have been well cured and skynet is kinda a hive mind so she can control the zombie radiomen  but they also can think for them self now

Zombie hacker:oh and who's the one who cured me?

Slash raises her hand showing zombie Sally and frost who waves at her

Zombie:so the human is the one who cured us he looks cute

If Slash and zombie  Sally could glare at zombie hacker they would be

Zombie artic:uh can I see the human?

Everyone who heard the voice looked around but frost who  looks at the fridge head

Frost: figured  you were alive as well

They all looked down at the fridge that's somehow talking

Zombie hacker:why are you in my body?

Zombie artic: idk because you ripped my head off my body and shoved my head here after I made a deep wound in your body I'm somehow still alive and I have been seeing everything still also human did you have to go into me three times and forcibly open my head?

Frost:yes I did to cure her and I think you as well

Frost:well I think this is a nice talk I'm tired and want to go find a place to sleep

Slash:I got a place were you can sleep

Frost:were is that?

Slash picks frost up and moves him between her breasts leaving his head out only and is happy that she can do this well all the girls in this base who have a crush would be glaring at slash if they could and same with the other universe girls  who have a crush on frost who saw this happen  even the titans  who's listing  and seeing it happen threw frost camera  head witch is still on even if on his side

Titans:"I wanted to do that's first"

Frost:I'm not getting out of here am I


Slash put down zombie Sally and walks to her hanger and goes in and sits down and brings up her clothes so her cloths go right in front of frost who goes to bed but if we go outside and look at the top of a mountain we see in elite zombie cameraman who has a top hat  had found the last base and were they brought the titan but didn't make note of the human but kept it to himself not thinking much of them and teleports away to his master to tell what he found out

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