chapter 8

115 6 12

(No one pov)

We come to see  4 leaders of the alliance enter the base after they are scanned  in and they all start walking towards the meeting room which takes 5 minutes to get there  witch they see some small groups all the races talking but see a large cameraman who's standing on the side of a door the large camera  looks to be 20 ft tall ansnthe door there protecting says frost room but they stop to ask

We come to see  4 leaders of the alliance enter the base after they are scanned  in and they all start walking towards the meeting room which takes 5 minutes to get there  witch they see some small groups all the races talking but see a large came...

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Sam:why are you here Large cameraman

Cad:I'm guarding frost room and why is because he saved me after my squad was attacked by a laser skibidi it took my whole arm and part of my body but frost but a emergency core on me to keep me functioning tell he could do emergency repairs and get fixed up by engineers

Cad:so I decided  to stay here to help protect frost seeing as if it weren't for him I would be dead same with my squad seeing as he killed the laser skibidi by breaking it's lasers then flushing it 

Alex:did you happen to know we're frost is at the moment

Cad:yea he's in the room sleeping seeing as he's been helping fix titan speaker women  and talks with  boombox  seeing as she feels so much guilt and frost is trying to help  her feel better as I have seen  and if I were correct he has slept 18 hours this week

Sylvee:think you could wake them and send them to the meeting room  we are having a meeting and frost should be there

Cad:ok do you know we're it is?

Glacier: yes we do   we will meet him there

The 4 girls leave  as cam enters frost room after having duck down to  enter  he goes over over to frost

Cad:sir you are needed in the meeting room

Frost wakes up from Cad and  looks up  at them

Frost:who called the meeting?

Cad: the leaders of each alliance sir

Frost: got it and you can stop calling me sir

frost gets up but he didn't have a shirt showing his human body luckily the camera head covers the whole head even the neck

Cad  lens  get a  pink tint from looking at frost  body 

Frost:you gonna get out?

Cad:oh right

Cad leaves the room as frost puts a shirt on and walks out of the room  and towards the meeting room having can follow him  and cam does  look at frost ass from time to time but they both get to the room after a few minutes  witch cad stands outside well frost goes in and see the 4 leaders sitting in chairs  having a small chat but stop after they heard frost is here

Frost: what is you need me here for you usually do your meeting without me

Sam:well the major thing we need  you to follow   jet and boombox seeing a cameraman was able to find out were g-man goes after  each battle

Frost:you want me to follow in the  titan I use?

Alex:no we want you to follow them just using a jetpack and broadcast the fight

Frost: that's it's  just watch them fight

Alex:yes that is it

Frost:when will this be happening

Sam: right now are titan is fixed and upgraded and we can see boombox is as well so only thing needed is you with a jetpack witch  sylvee has for you

Sylvee comes  over handing frost the jetpack but also hugs him witch confused frost  and the other girls  got a little bit jealous that sylvee hugged frost first out of the four of them

Alex:you are  to go meet with boombox

Glacier: also  you will be given a prototype hand held cryo gun we want to be tested on the field

Glacier takes the weapon off her back  and hands it frost who looks at the weapon

Glacier takes the weapon off her back  and hands it frost who looks at the weapon

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(I don't own fallout)

Glacier: you got 10 shots with it before it has to recharge for a minute but anything you hit should freeze  

Frost nods and puts the gun on his back  and makes sure the strap is on tight

Frost:anything else

All the girls shake there head


Frost leaves the room and starts walking to the titan bay and cad follows and as Frost enters he sees a new door but doesn't care to check it out as he flies over to boombox shoulder as she looks at  frost and the top opens up as she flies out and towards her as frost holds on  to her shoulder well boombox is flying  to reach jet she shoots any skibidi on her way before seeing jet witch frost gets a good look of her

Frost leaves the room and starts walking to the titan bay and cad follows and as Frost enters he sees a new door but doesn't care to check it out as he flies over to boombox shoulder as she looks at  frost and the top opens up as she flies out and...

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(Not mine)
Jet  points towards g-man who sees them and flys away  but jet and boombox follow as frost is still on boombox shoulder watching as g-man runs away feeling something is up

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