chapter 24

99 4 9

(there is NSFW in this chapter of you don't like it just skip it)

(no one pov)

We cut to see frost in the armory taking some weapons and putting on some armor on his for arms the weapons frost grabbed was just one of the zombie tv grenade launcher which had a little bit of dust on it

Frost puts slings in onto his back were the two sword plungers are frost then grabs a medkit and takes out medical bandages and a morphine out as well putting the morphine away and uses the bandages to cover most of his wounds and makes sure it's on tight and to be safe grabs the emergency flair gun that's on a table with only two flairs that be red and geen and puts them away as well

Frost:"I'm coming for you whoever is behind this infection"

Frost left the armory ignoring everyone who looked at him and went towards the building exit

Blizzard noticed frost but also the bandages around him

Blizzard:frost you doing ok it looks like you need to go and rest with the fight that just happened

Frost didn't answer but kept going


Frost gets outside and takes off with his damaged jetpack flying towards the enemy controlled alliance base ignoring blizzard who yelled for frost and had to dodge a grab from slice and went as fast as the jetpack would physically go

(With blizzard)
Blizzard:"Son of a bitch frost what are you doing being injured like that"

Survivor: blizzard what's going on why you yelling for frost

Blizzard sighs and looks back at survivor

Blizzard:for some reasons he left well injured we don't got any idea what he's doing

Z skynet:well me and hacker can track him so you and a titan can go get him

Blizzard: ok but start as soon as possible we don't know what's gonna happen with how injured frost is seeing as he covered his wounds with bandages

Z skynet nods and goes to find z hacker to help her well blizzard goes and talks with the cured leaders well waiting

(With frost)

We see frost have to land on a roof that has been taken over by foliage letting frost get a good look at the guarded bass that's at least 200 feet away

Frost uses his camera head lens feature to scope out the base

Frost counts 8 Zombie laser cameramen 2 on each wall surrounding the main building and with at least 20 regular zombie cameramen walking around guarding the entrance no one on the roof tho but does see two big turret on the roof most likely anti air turrets

Frost:"can't fly to the base I would be taken out by these anti air turrets looks like a forward assault is the best option"

Frost uses his jetpack to fly off the roof and low to the ground so he doesn't fet targeted by the anti air turrets and noticed 2 laser zombie cameraman spotted him and started to shoot at him witch frosts dodges by moving to the side as the beams hit the ground behind him

This keeps happening tell frosts gets to the gate witch the zombies couldn't keep shooting as they lost sight

Frost takes off his jetpack and puts it next to the gate as alarms start to go off and takes the grenade launcher off his back and one of the grenades out and puts it with the jetpack

Frost then sets the jetpack to self destruct in 10 seconds witch frost use the time to quickly run another side of the wall to hide from the blast

The jetpack goes off with the grenade making a big enough explosion to knock the big gate down and create a smoke screen which goes through with the grenade launcher shooting at the zombie cameramen who are in groups taking out 11 with 2 shots then dodge lasers blasts from the laser zombie cameramen shooting at him

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