chapter 22

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(no one pov)

We cut back to frost who's injured looking at the two infected titans in front of him and two male titans behind them

Frost sees the zombie red magnet titan  have a magnet that comes over her  left shoulder and points it at frost but frost uses his jetpack to go between her leg and quickly using the ground  to turn  around and uses the jetpack to get him close and punches  the back of the zombie titan red magnet leg making her go on her knee

Before frost could do anything else he gets  picked up by a magnet and thrown into  the mountain wall cutting up his back more  and sees it was because of the zombie titan blue

( For now I will just call them zombie titan red or blue)

Frost suddenly hears someone talk threw his camera head coms

Zombie hacker:frost were are you everyone is wondering were you are seeing as you haven't sent a flair in 2 hours

Frost:fucking busy hacker trying not to die from two zombie magnet titans

Frost jumps off the wall his back is on dodging a kick that was going to crush him and goes onto the leg and flys up dodging a zombie titan blue hand and lands on her shoulder and using the energy blade on frost right arm and cuts off the left magnet and kicks it off and making frost go into the air and he uses his jet pack to stay in the air


Frost:I don't got time to explain but if you can send anybody with explosives to my location if you can track me would be nice

Frost gets thrown by one of the magnets on zombie titan red causing frost to crash on the ground infront of the two titans who are trying to get free but can't from the magnets holding them

Jack:you got to get out of here your hurt to bad to try save us

Zack:you can just get reinforcements to come and save us but if you die now they won't be able to find us

Frosts and the two male titans sees black smokes show up onto of the hills around and sees zombie tv men with grenade launchers aiming  at the titans  and a black smoke appears behind frost  and a hand pulls frost threw

The two male titans look up and see zombie tv woman has pulled the cameraman threw well Zack was sad  his leader was infected  but was scared for the cameraman but is surprised when she hugged him instead of trying to bite him

Zombie sally:freeze them leave there cores alone

All the zombie tv men  shoot there grenade launchers and when the grenades hit the zombie titans it starts to freeze them 

Zombie Sally looks back at frost who is a bit bloody from all the fights

Zombie Sally:why didn't you try get into contact with base so we can send backup looks like you needed it

Frost:can we don't do this now and can you bring me to the frozen titans so I can cure them already z.sally

Zombie Sally noded and teleported over to the frozen zombie titans and onto the ice as frost let his blood go into there cores  to cure them as when they get cured the ice started to break way

Zombie Sally teleported back onto the cliffs as the zombie titans fall down and two giant magnet titans come and pick them up and bring them back to base

Frost looks and see a few TV zombie destroy the  magnets holding the male titans stuff and freeing them as they reput everything back on and  stand up  and move over to were zombie Sally and frost is

Zack:I will ask the obvious how are you cured Sally?

Zombie Sally:how I was cured was from this cameraman blood

Frost:can we talk about this later and head back to base

Frost cut off everyone but the zombie Sally noded and teleported away with him as the male titans using there jetpack  to also fly back to base

What no one saw is something appearing in front of the decapitated elite zombie cameraman

???:your time isn't over yet you are still needed

What was Interesting about them is that they wore all black  there camera head was also black  but they had two plungers on there back making in x

They grabbed onto the body and teleported away

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