Disney Twisted Wonderland 4th Anniversary

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So the time has finally come...the 4th anniversary...AND WHAT A GREAT ONE IT IS TOO!!!!! Hello my wonderful luvlies, I know that this isn't the update you are looking for but let me tell you this, that we need to celebrate!


Let me tell you! Twisted Wonderland has been with us not one, not two, not three, but four years! Four freaking years and look how far we've gotten to this wonderful game!! Manga is still working on the Savanaclaw and Octavinelle Arc, and hope, HOPE!!! That we will get an anime of this game this year or next year, pray with me on that! We need to let it happen!!! I was hoping that we would get an anniversary video like the other three, but we haven't gotten any yet, so I do hope that we will get one.

To those who are wait for The Keyholder to update with new chapters, plz bare with me a little longer just enough to get A Twisted World to catch up. I've finished with the Crimson Tyrant arc and working on the Rebel of the Savanna, so we are on the same page. I am also trying to work on some of the Events when I can find some translation transcripts to work with (depending on which one I'm working with). I am so happy with how many hearts I've got so far, I'm almost close to 500 hearts on the Keyholder and getting close to 100 hearts on A Twisted World. You guys are the best readers I have ever had and I luv u all.

Thank you so much for reading my stories!!!!

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