Prologue Chapter 4

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AN: Hello everyone! Sorry for putting this on hold, I was working on my other story and busy with work also. But I do want to catch this one up so I won't be so far behind, cause I started working on the Savanaclaw Chapters on The Keyholder. I hope you guys luv this story, it's still a working progress but it's still good!!!


 In the middle of the day, they finally got to the cafeteria. It almost took an hour for Yuki to free Grim from Yuri's death hold and chased him afterwards. It took a while to clean the Queen of Hearts statue 'til it was back to normal and clean all of the ashes that was left that Grim and Ace made when they were fighting. They also finished cleaning up the Main Street and even polished the other statues in the process, so that none of the other students from those Dorms thinks that someone favored only one and not like the others.

When they went into the cafeteria, it was completely empty, no students were there. The twins looked around in amusement at how big the room is, the heels from their shoes clicked on the hard floor, echoing through the room. Kaen and Shimo jumped on one of the lunch tables as they got comfortable and curled up together. The lunch tables were lined up in two, leaving big spaces for the students to walk through. Hanging from above was the most beautiful chandelier that they have ever seen in their life, though truth be told, this was the first ever time they saw a chandelier.

"I'm already beat from cleaning all day.." Grim groaned as he plopped on one the lunch tables with a tired sigh. "Now we have to wash a hundred windows, too..."

"And who's fault is that?" Yuri growled at him. "One thing to do was to make sure that you wouldn't get into trouble and what did you do?" she then started listing the things he did with her fingers. "Have a fight with a 1st year student, burn one of the statues that we had to clean, and come here to clean the windows!"

"He's the one who started it!" Grim shouted at her.

"I know that! But it doesn't mean you had to try and burn him alive like you tried to do with us!" Yuri shouted back. "You couldn't just let him walk away or ignore his cocky statements!"

"Me!? What about you!" Grim said, pointing at her. "With that glare from before, it looked like you were ready to kill him!"

Yuri paused for a minute before looking away with a pout. "...And your point?"

"YOU'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO COVER IT UP ARE YA!?" Grim shouted in disbelief from her statement. "JUST WHAT DO YOU DO TO PEOPLE THAT CROSSES YOU!?!?!"

"We've got no choice." Yuki said, cutting off their conversation, not wanting her sister to answer that question and looking at Grim. "If you're over it, just get it done."

"That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time." Grim said with a huff. "Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm ticked off!"

"He's probably still in class, give him some time." Yuri said as she walked over to one of the windows. "He'll show up and help us."

"..................." Grim gave her a bored look as he walked over to where Kaen and Shimo were and plopped on top of them, making them jolt a bit as the twins started cleaning the rest of the windows.

(Time Skip)

"...................." Grim got a little irritated that Ace hadn't shown up yet. Yuki sat down as she was waiting patiently, Yuri was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. From the window that they cleaned, the sky started to change color, knowing them that the sun was setting.

(Time Skip)

".........I don't care what happened, there is no way he's this late!" Grim shouted before he thought of something. "Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right!"

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