The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 4

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●・○・●・○・● Kitchen ●・○・●・○・●

One by one everyone started working on making the tarts. First they had to boil the chestnuts they've collected. After they were finished being boiled, they were taken out so that they could cool off and peeled by the hands of Yuri and Yuki as Kaen and Shimo helped put the chestnut shells in the trash bin. Grim and Vivid were stirring their pots that contained the peeled chestnuts along with some milk and sugar for it to shimmer on a low heat. After they were done, Ace and Deuce were to puree the chestnuts.

"Ah...We finally finished pureeing them all!" Ace sighed out, rubbing his shoulder.

"My arms hurt..." Deuce groaned, moving his arms a bit to release tension.

"This is fun!" Yuki said as she cleaned her hands after finishing peeling the chestnuts. "I forgot how enjoyable this was when we helped cook dinner with momma."

"You're kidding, right?" Ace asked, staring at the Soshi Twins.

"Nope." Yuri replied, crossing her arms. "We had to buy, clean, cut, peel, debone, chop, slice, boil, sizzle, fry, etc. Compared to this, it's like helping our mom when we were five years old."

"I learned how to debone a fish and pluck feathers off of chickens when I was seven." Yuki said.

"May~ What a world you two live in." Vivid said in a happy tone.

"In what world do you two live in!?" Ace, Deuce and Grim shouted at them with a shock expression on their faces.

"Haha." Trey laughed, not feeling tired at all. "Great work. I'm sure that your hard work will all be worth it."

"I'm already full from the smell." Grim grumbled as his nose twitched.

"The marron base uses butter and sugar." Trey said, adding the ingredients in the bowl. "And then, I also added some oyster sauce as a secret ingredient."

"Oyster sauce?!" Ace and Deuce said in shock.

"Oyster...sauce..." Yuki asked with a disturbed look on her face.

"That can't be true..."

"Exactly. The savory flavor of the chestnuts gives the cream a rich flavor. And then, to make it better, I use this "Walrus-brand young oyster sauce."" Trey said, holding a bottle of the Oyster Sauce. "There's no famous pâtissière who doesn't use this for their tarts, you know?"

"Really...It's a pretty salty sauce, isn't it?" Deuce said.

"You know how they put chocolate in curry, too?" Ace said, slightly convinced. "It kinda makes sense..."

"Chocolate in curry I get, but oyster sauce in a tart there's no way..." Yuri said, Kaen nodding his head in agreement.

"Pfft, It's a joke!" Trey laughed. "There's no way I'd put oyster sauce in a dessert, you know?"

"What the heck!?" Ace shouted at him with an annoyed look on his face. "Are you making fun of us!?"

"Thank goodness, I really thought that we were actually going to add it in there." Yuki sighed out.

"Haha! It's obviously impossible if you think about it a little~" Trey said with a laugh. "The moral lesson here is that you shouldn't believe anything you're told. Learn to doubt a bit, okay~?"

"This guy looks nice, but he's the type who can tell lies with no problem, huh..." Grim said, crossing his arms.

"Trey-kun does like to joke around from time to time." Vivid said.

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