Yuri Soshi's Lines

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Twisted Wonderland: "Twisted Wonderland"

Tutorial: "I'm not nice like my sister, but I am kind."

Lv Up 1: "W-woah...that was a weird feeling."

Lv Up 2: "Is my gem glowing brighter?"

Lv Up 3: "Huh...For some reason, flames don't hurt that much now."

Lv Up Max: "I'm all fired up, now! You guys better be ready!"

Episode Lv Max: "Guh...my muscles are sore now..."

Magic Lv Up: "My gem is glowing!? It's like a flame burning from the inside!"

Limit Break: "No backing down now! You're the one that wanted to fight me!"

Groovy: "A spark can make the flames grow higher and higher. Let that spark burn inside of you, to make your spirit go even higher!"

Lesson 1: "Alright, no more slacking off. It's time to do some learning."

Lesson 2: "What do you think you're doing? Did I ask you to copy off of my work?"

Lesson 3: "...Why does this feel so...familiar?"

Lesson Start: "Learn this, and you'll understand it...Depends if it actually works..."

Lesson End: "Phew...finally it's over now...My brain hurts..."

Battle Start: "You guys better not get in my way!"

Battle End: "Phew! That was a great battle!"

School Uniform Lines

Summon: "Alright, let's head on to class."

Groovy: "A new thing to learn is a good experience. From the past to the present, we're going to make the future's history."

Set Home: "Hmmm...I might actually like this class...might."

Home Idle 1: "Never wore a uniform before...It feels different...In a good way."

Home Idle 2: "Glad that they let us bring Kaen and Shimo with us."

Home Idle 3: "Ramshackle...I like the name, but I have a feeling that it won't last long...The name I mean."

Home Login: "If you need help just ask, dummy."

Home Tap 1: "Vivid's way of helping brings a smile to my sister's face. I'm happy about that."

Home Tap 2: "Grim won't pay attention to anything, unless there's food involved."

Home Tap 3: "I wonder who's got the highest grades in all their classes?"

Home Tap 4: "If a guy tries to be flirty with me or Yuki, I'll sock them in their face,"

Home Tap 5: "...This skirt is short...Good thing I'm wearing shorts under this, hehe."

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