Chapter thriteen

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"Sir", a nurse says, getting Majors' attention. "She is awake. You may see her now."
Major rushes up and heads to the room, where Briony is. As he walks through the door he sees her there, lying on her back, with a white patch covering her chest. "Briony oh my god. I was so worried. Are you okay? How are you doing?"
Briony takes a second and struggles to sit upright. "I am okay for now. Ha-havvee th-they told you what is going to happen now?"
"No birdy, I'm sorry I haven't heard anything yet. Just came to check on you as soon as I was allowed back here."
Briony sits silently, thinking. "What about Kaal? What room is he in? Can we go see him?"
Major's small grin wipes off his face. "Bird... he's not here."
"Oh did they run out of beds here? Which hospital did he go to?"
"No birdy... he's gone. He passed. He h- he killed himself... after...after the uh incident." the major says quietly, looking around paranoid.
The doctor walks in along with the same nurse from before. Dressed in green with a white lab coat the doctor looks strange but somehow still trusty to put your life into his hands.
"Hi everyone. So, you the father?" the doctor asks.
"Uh uhm" major hesitates. "No no, I'm not just a uh, a really close friend."
"Well in order for her to go home we will need a parent signature and whatever insurance she is on. Think you can handle that?" And before the major gets a chance to even open his mouth to reply, the doctor starts up again. "So Briony... good ol wound there, but you'll be fine. Lucky for you it didn't hit any major areas. Very lucky it wasn't on the left side either. Would've been dead in a second. But anyways, the souture will need to be tuned to every three hours. Nurse Mili can go over that all with you in a little. For now, I wanna talk to you about our next step here. Alright?"
Briony looks to major with a scared expression. The expression major gives back comforts and she turns back to the doctor, then nods.
"Alright then. So we did find out where you're supposed to be. I know" the doctor says, giving a fake sympathy frown. "Didn't want to get caught, did you? Well it's for the best. You will be admitted back to the behavioral hospital later tonight. Unfortunately this will have other consequences along with the law, but that's a matter for another time. And uh while we are at it, there are a few cops outside the door wanting to ask some questions. Are you alright with that?"
Briony hesitantly nods.
"Alright, do you want your friend in here with you, I'll see if they will allow that."
Briony waits a moment before shaking her head no. "It's okay...I'm alright."
Three officers walk in once the nurse, doctor and major leave. "Hi," one officer says. "We are here for everything but to scare you...okay?"
Briony stays quiet and just lets them talk.
The second officer, after drilling her about personal information, leaves the room abruptly. Coming back moments later, he is holding Ragu. "Save your support dog," he says, giving a wink.
Briony lights up, seeing that Ragu is okay.
The first officer starts up again, "So, Bri can I call you that? Well ok can you tell me exactly how things played out last night? Don't worry about anything, just tell us what you remember."
Briony opens her mouth, looking to the third officer who has been silent but viciously taking notes the entire time. "I went to a hotel. I was asleep. I woke up with three no uh two guys that broke in. So I told my dog to attack. I tried to help. But he got hurt. I didn't want him to-" The tears on her face begint to shed faster into a weeping cry.
The second officer intervenes. "Ok mis Briony we will leave you here to be. Soon your carriage will arrive to escort you. Ok?"

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