Chapter seven

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Chapter 7

"I'm going to give a little prick a couple of times, alright? Will only hurt for a second sweetie. Then, you won't feel a thing." The nurse smiles at her fakely.
Briony by now doesn't give a care in the world. "Whatever", she says, putting her head back. "Tell me when you're done."
"Won't be for a moment. You managed a pretty big gash here. Probably about nine stitches."
The doctor presses the skin around the area, then grabs the supplies. A small, but durable needle with a fine point and this blue dental floss looking string. The doctor pokes the string through the needle, just as if he was about to sew her back together, like cloth. He then takes the needle, along with the string and inserts it diagonally into the skin of one side of the wound up through, to the other side and through that too. The string is pulled until there is a long enough tail to work with. The needle is then placed almost parallel to the cut and a loop is made. After the knot is made, the doctor pulls the string, making it just tight enough to where the skin almost re-attaches  perfectly. He repeats this process eight more times and cuts off the excess string.
"There we go. All done. Wasn't so bad now was it?"
"Sure", Briony says, still in a bad mood.
Outside the window, Kaal is waiting, watching. The doctor opens the door, telling him it's okay for him to enter now.
"Briony, oh my god." He looks up from her and to the night nurse from the hospital. "Can I speak with her please? Alone?"
"Sure," she says, stepping out of the room. "I'll be watching you two though."
"Briony, who made you do this? I'll kill them. What happened?"
"Kaal I'm fine, really. I just got upset."
"This isn't okay. This place is supposed to help us get better. Not get better at hiding it. Not to secretly continue our ways and pretend we are better. This place is shit. No. I'm not having this. We are leaving."
"I'm getting us out. No matter what I have to do. Let's run away. Like people in movies. Let's get away from this shitdump and live our lives, the way we want to."
"Kaal, as much as I want to, you know that's not possible."
"I'll find a way, don't worry. We will need to think quickly though. We are going to have to do it here. No locks or hidden keys blocking exits here. Only problem is the night nurse. If we can get her off our butts, we have a free way out."
"An exit plan wouldn't be the only thing to think of Kaal. They'll find us."
The night nurse opens the door abruptly, making the both of them jump and jolt their heads. "Bri, are you feeling okay?" The nurse asks with a fake smile.
"Kaal we aren't allowed to let you stay here any longer. But, good news Briony is leaving too. So come on ladies get ready to be ushered back. I'm gonna tell them where to send the records and I'll be right back."
The nurse walks out of the room and begins talking to the counter person.
"Ok this is our one and only chance". Kaal says quietly leaning towards Briony.
She gets up and heads to the window. "Keep watch". She tries to open the window but it's unable to be opened without a set of pliers. "Shit" she says defeated. "What now?"
Kaal thinks to himself for a moment, then thinks. "So the window doesn't work, I didn't think it would be that easy anyways. We are on the first floor though, which makes things easier. We need to get past the nurse. Then it could be just as easy as to walk out the door nonchalantly. So how do we distract the nurse?"
"I mean she's talking to the desk nurse. Let's just walk by. They seem to be deep in convo right now, I doubt she'll notice it's us, but there is always a chance."
"Alright let's do it you first" Kaal responds. "They are paying most attention to you so if ur gone I can get out easy."
Briony opens the door that was already cracked. As she walks out she picks up the pace. Holding her head down she walks steadily to the exit and leaves. She can't believe she is out. How was it this easy? Something has to be up. Something bad has to be about to happen. Do I run? Do I wait for Kaal? 
Moments later Kaal walks out. He seems so calm, as if he's done this before.
"What now?" Briony eagerly whispers.
"Shh, calm down. We got this, don't worry. I'll make sure we make it."
Briony eases her tensed muscles a bit and looks at Kaal.
Kaal notices the unloading van and tells Briony to follow as he does. Kaal waits for the right moment when the driver is bringing packages inside and they hop into the bed of the back. Briony followed behind immediately.
"Quick, get under the tarp", Kaal demands.
They wait here for a couple minutes then they hear the rattle of the door closing. Kaal puts his arm around Briony to calm her. She leans in and closes her eyes.

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