Chapter ten

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"Here it is," Major says, unlocking the door. "Not the best in the world, but I hope it will suffice. If you need anything, you know where I am. Well you knew that before, didn't you birdy. Alright y'all settle down."
"Thank you major, lots of love to ya." Briony says give him another hug.
"Yeah thanks a lot," Kaal adds.
Major walks away and Briony shuts and locks the door behind them. "Alright so now we got a place to sleep."
"And an extra mouth to feed" Kaal says ushering to Ragu.
"Oh yeah and he's a picky one at that too. We will make it work though. No doubt. We got this. Things are looking up already." Briony walks over to the mirror, examining her face. "Looks like this shiner ain't goin nowhere for a while."
"If you got makeup I can help cover it up." Kaal offers.
"It's fine, it makes me look more scary. People will fear me more. But how do you know makeup well enough to cover something like this?"
"My mom... she would get in trouble a lot and have to go to work the next day. I picked up a few things from her doing it so often."
"I'M sorry to hear that, but it's not really, good skill to have. Wanna shower?"
Kaal blushes "Now?"
"Yeah, you going to"
"I yea im coming" Kaal says quickly prancing to the bathroom.
"Ok save some hot water, I'll go after you. Hurry up."
Kaal closes the door and the smile wipes off his face, after the realization.


"Alrighty, both clean. Now what do you wanna do?"
"I'm pooped honestly."
"Understandably, a lot has happened the past few days. Let's go to sleep then. I'll set the alarm. WHen should we wake up? I'm thinking around eight. Sounds good?"
"Yeah yeah that's good. There's only one bed though."
"Yeah, I noticed. You don't talk in your sleep or kick do you? Ugh fear of being cut by someone's nasty toenails in the middle of the night."
"No, i don't" kaal laughs out, "Even then, I wear socks to bed anyways. Is it alright with you if I take off my shirt to sleep?"
"Yeah of course. I'm gonna too."
Kaal raises his eyebrows.
"Keeping my bra on though, don't worry."

Outside the door, Kaal hears people talking. He thinks nothing of it, except from the fact it's hindering him from sleep. Moments later the rambling stops and the door handle rattles. It's locked, he reassures himself. He keeps saying that, over and over in his head, until the door creaks open. He turns his head slightly, trying not to be noticed. He sees two scrawny boys huddling over each other quietly laughing.
Who the hell?
Kaal waits a moment before doing anything. He doesn't want to do anything wrong that could upset Briony. She had told him to stay on the down low, and go unnoticed. That is until one of the boys grabs the blanket from over her chest. He jumps straight up, getting highly upset.
"What the fuck do you think youre doing?" Kaal demands.
"You didn't say there'd be another one in here." One boy says.
"Looks like we both get one now I guess. You pick yours." The other boy says.
"Wait, I think that one's a boy." boy one says
"Oh yeah you right, voice was kinda raspy, kinda into it though" Boy two adds.
"What the hell, no. You aren't picking, you aren't doing anything with either of us. Get out! Now! Go!"
"Lil guard dog here" boy two chuckles
"No, this is the guard dog, Rag Attack!!" Briony yells as she realizes the situation in front of her.
Ragu immediately pounces on boy two and bites him in the crotch. Kaal takes his chance and starts on boy one. Hitting him as hard as he can, repeatedly. Boy two starts fighting back and hurting Ragu. Briony joins the fight and gets sucker punched immediately. Kaal sees this and takes his hands off boy one and onto two. Boy one takes his chance and runs out.
Boy two gets the strength and stands to his feet, then tackles Briony. "What the fuck, crazy bitch and her crazy mutts."
Kaal is bruised and battered and doesn't know what to do. He grabs a knife from the kitchen without thinking. Then he walks over to them. "Hey" he says, getting their attention, then stabbing boy two in the chest as hard as he could and pulling it right away.

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