Chapter nine

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Kaal slowly opens his eyes again, after taking a nap. I hate sleeping. He thinks.
"Good morning" Briony greets him. "We best get on the way. Wait here in one spot any longer, they might find us."
"Yeah, you're right. We need to head on." Kaal stands to his feet and recollects himself. Looking to the floor, he sees a red stain on the sidewalk. "Blood?" He asks.
"It's nothing, don't worry. Come on lets go" Briony assures him.
Kaal doesn't understand. His dreams seem like reality. He sleeps so much and can't differentiate the two. Real world, dream world.
Briony hesitates. "Kaal?"
"Where do we go now?"
"Straight, I guess. Not sure really. Haven't ever run away before."
"My house is a couple blocks down. This may be a bad idea, but I really want to say goodbye to my dog. Can we do that please?"
"I don't know Briony."
"Come on. Real quick. I doubt anyone is even home."
"Fine." Kaal gives in.
As they head down the street, they enter a neighborhood that is seemingly prestigious.
"Damn, rich im guessing."
Briony chuckles, then abruptly stops. "Yeah, I wish. But no, ever hear, spending daddy's money?
My family hasn't worked at all. They are just using my dead grandparents' money that was left behind.

"Here it is," Briony starts. "There are a few cameras but I know how to get around them. My mom makes the dog stay in the backyard. Cruel right? At least it's not too bad for him. In this case it's good for us. Makes it easier to get to him."
Kaal hesitantly walks behind, following her. "Ok, I'll follow you. Is it friendly?"
"Oh yeah. Definitely. He loves pets. His name is Ragu."
"Like the sauce?"Kaal questions.
"Yeah, like the sauce but that's not why he's named that."
"Why then"
"Story for another time, common lets go"
They tiptoe wiggling their way around the house to the backyard. Once Ragu notices Briony he immediately lights up. Barking like crazy, Briony hushes him.
"Make him be quiet, I don't wanna get us caught"
"I can't stop him. He's excited. I'll be a minute alright? You stay here."
"Ok?" Kaal agrees hesitantly.
He watches as Briony goes inside and pets the dog, speaking softly and calmly to it. The look in the dog's eyes is different than he has seen before in other dogs. A different kind of connection. Before he gets the chance to evaluate it deeper the backdoor opens.
"BRI!!??" A raspy woman's voice yells.
Briony gets startled and jumps up. "M-mm-mom, hi"
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I- I just-"
"I don't care, leave now. I never wanted to see you again. Get out of my sight. Let this be the last time I see you, or I might just have to get rid of you myself. Thought you would've done it by now dammit."
Briony walks closer to her mom, edging slowly. With each step she takes, her mom gets more on edge.
"One more step and your getting hit"
"Mom, Please-" Briony pleads, taking another step.
The woman violently slaps Briony across the face, making her fall face first to the floor. Kaal watching this gets really upset and enters the scene.
"Now who the fuck are you?"
"That's not important" Kaal responds, grabbing the mom in a chokehold and bringing her close to his face. "Don't ever touch her" He then slams her down to the floor and helps Briony up. "Come on, grab the dog too. Nothing should be living with a person like this, even a mutt."
Briony snatches up the dog and they run away from the house.
"Why didn't you tell me about your mom? Shes-"
"A cunt? Yeah, I know. But I didn't want that to give you a reason to not let me see Ragu."
"Understandable, I guess. But what is it with this dog? What's different?"
"Ragu is just a dog. But he's the most important thing in my life. So that makes him more than a dog to me. He is so much better than anyone in my life."
"Oh, uh ok... Hey, wanna go do something crazy?"
"You mean to escape from a mental hospital and run away and steal a dog."
"Uh maybe something toned down a bit."
"Let's get tattoos. Remember this crazy experience forever."
"I think we would remember it regardless but alright. What are we getting?"
Kaal thinks for a minute before letting a big grin shine on his face. "A can of Ragu sauce" she chuckles.
Briony smiles at this remark, "Really? I mean alright. I'm down. Let's do it."
"Do you know any places nearby?
"Yeah, actually there is one like a mile up the road. It's like a little run down smoke and tattoo shop. Dude is really chill too. So there shouldn't be any trouble. We are kina friends anyways, so he might be able to help us out with more than just the tats. We are gonna owe him something though."
"Hell no, I'm not becoming a prostitute if that's what you mean."
"No no no! That's not what I meant. I mean like if he needs a job done for him or help at the shop or extra cash down the road, we have to have his back for it."
"Hmm, alright but nothing too wild"


When they approach the shop Briony excitedly runs to the door. She gets abruptly stopped by a tall burly man. 
"Who are you?" he asks.
"I- im Briony. I know Major, we're friends."
The guy is hesitant but lets them in.
"That was strange," Briony whispers to Kaal. Just stay quiet" Kaal nods and silently follows closely behind her.
Major notices Briony walking up, "Yo Yo Yo, there's my little bird. How's it been?"
"Rough here and there, but manageable, like always."
"I see, I see. So what's up?"
"We were looking to get tattoos."
"We? Who's we?"
Briony points to Kaal. "Kaal, he's my... friend, long story to gossip over later."
"Alright alright, as long as you're good with him, I am too. So you came to the right place. What are you lookin to get?"
Briony giggles, "So you know those glass cans of ragu sauce?"
"On my fuckin spaghetti?"
"Yeah. Well we wanted that."
"That's crazy as shit bird. Gotta explain that to me later. So where we lookin. Where's it going?"
Briony shrugs and turns to Kaal. Kaal shrugs gently also, still not knowing his place in any of this. Whether he should speak or not speak, move or not move. Just waiting for Briony's ok on everything.
Briony sighs and says "Shoulder, no color".
"Alright alright, can do"


"Whatcha think?"
"I love it, honestly," Briony says, smiling ear to ear.
Kaal, now more comfortable agrees, "Me too, it looks awesome"
"Major" Briony starts out in a sweet voice making puppy dog eyes.
"Yes birdy?"
"We dont got a place to sleep any more," she sniffles. "Could you help us?"
"Of course my bird, always. I can get y'all a room at the motel next door. How does that sound?"
"Amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She shouts giving him a big hug. "You're the best"

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