Chapter Twelve: When the Dam Breaks, the Badger Will Fall

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Authors note

From this chapter onward is where the more mature themes of this book will start to come into play. Trigger warning for: sexual themes (all characters are aged up to the age of consent 16+ in UK), PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, violence.

I'll include a disclaimer before each part as warning. Of course, you should skip if anything is troubling to you.

This is a long chapter, but it didn't feel right cutting anywhere, and it felt like it was needed.

Thanks for reading!
- Pond

"Come on, Felix, please," Garreth whined as the two walked into the Great Hall for lunch.

"Garreth, didn't I already tell you no the first 100 times you asked?" Felix sighed.

"It'll be quick, just this one time," Garreth begged. "It's a secret passageway, no one will even know you were there," he whispered.

"So then remind me why can't you do it?" Felix asked, eyebrow raised.

"You know why. If my aunt found out..." Garreth trailed off, looking around to make sure she wasn't going to pop up out of nowhere and catch him.

"I would be in trouble, too," Felix finished, rolling his eyes.

"Not like I would, trust me. She'd never let me leave the common room again. Felix, please. I'll make it worth your while and I'll owe you massively. Any favour, cashed in at any time," Garreth said confidently.

Felix couldn't believe he was giving in again, but he was. He sighed loudly as he sat down at the Slytherin table across from Sebastian and Ominis. "Fine, but you do owe me. Big time," Felix said with emphasis.

"Thank you! Yes! You aren't gonna regret this mate. Just you wait! Come find me when it's done," Garreth beamed, clapping Felix on the back before bounding away happily to his own table.

Felix groaned as he watched him go, already regretting his decision.

"What's he gotten you into this time?" Sebastian laughed.

"You don't even wanna know," Felix sighed.

"If it's going to involve you bursting into the Undercroft in the middle of the night covered in dirt and blood again, then yes, we do," Ominis said in a hushed voice, but Felix heard a bit of malice there.

Felix's mouth turned down and guilt swelled up inside him. Two nights ago, he had been out of the castle after curfew on another excursion taking down loyalist camps when he was jumped on the way back by a couple of poachers who had somehow managed to catch him off guard. He'd escaped easily enough, but he did have a couple of gashes on his chest from a diffindo slash he hadn't dodged in time. Not wanting to alarm anyone in the common room, he'd darted to the Undercroft instead where he had a spare healing kit. Unfortunately, Ominis had been in there after another nightmare and was rather alarmed when Felix burst in.

"I was jumped, that wasn't my fault," Felix argued in a whisper.

"You ran in covered in blood, bleeding from your chest!" Ominis argued.

"It was nothing, and most of it wasn't mine, anyway," Felix whispered back hurriedly.

Ominis snorted unamusedly. "Oh, how charming," he said sarcastically.

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