Chapter Ten: Aches, Pains and Funny Feelings

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"I should never have agreed to that! We are never doing that again!" Ominis yelled angrily, his arm still looped around Felix, supporting him.


"Sebastian, I mean it! You must promise me here and now we will never engage with the Dark Arts again!" he growled.

"Fine by me," Felix groaned.

"I understand that's what you want," Sebastian said evenly. Felix frowned at the look on his face and the choice of words, but he felt his energy fading fast and he couldn't find the voice to speak.

"Thank you," Ominis spat. He was panting with anger, Felix could feel his body practically vibrating as he supported him.

"I'm going to the Undercroft, I want to have a look at this thing," Sebastian said, holding up Salazar's spell book.

"Your friend has just taken the Cruciatus curse and that's what you're concerned about?!" Ominis yelled, his anger rising again.

"I- are you alright?" Sebastian asked, his face etched with concern. Felix could see how torn he was between helping him and getting somewhere he could tear into the book.

"It's fine, Omi, I'm fine," Felix managed to say.

"You are most certainly not fine. You're coming with me," he commanded, turning them round and heading toward the Slytherin common room, leaving Sebastian in the hallway behind them.

When they reached the stone wall that housed the hidden entrance, Felix watched in amazement as a door slowly materialised from the stone.

"Do you think you can cast disillusionment on yourself? Slytherins in general don't really care much who comes in, but I don't particularly want anyone seeing you like this right now," Ominis said more softly than before.

"I think I can, just about," Felix sighed. He managed to fish his wand out of his pocket and raised it as high as he could, pain stinging through his body as he did so. He cast the charm and then immediately let his arm drop. Ominis reached over and took his wand, putting it in his pocket so it didn't get lost.

They made a slow way through the common room, Ominis trying to stick to the shadows and angling so hopefully no one could see he had his arm wrapped around an invisible body on his other side

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They made a slow way through the common room, Ominis trying to stick to the shadows and angling so hopefully no one could see he had his arm wrapped around an invisible body on his other side. When they made it to the dorm he shared with just Sebastian, he quickly shoved the door open and sighed a breath of relief when they were safely inside, locking the door behind them.

He led Felix over to his bed and tried to slowly lay him down, his face grimacing whenever Felix groaned in pain. Ominis pulled open his nightstand drawer and fished around for a vial.

"Here, another wiggenweld," he said, pressing it into Felix's hand.

"I'm fine, Ominis, really," Felix protested.

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