Chapter Four: Cauldrons and Broomsticks

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Felix was falling, his hair whipping around his face as he fell at great speed

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Felix was falling, his hair whipping around his face as he fell at great speed. He could see the ground below him quickly approaching, his screams lost to the wind.

"Accio!" he yelled as he cast at the port key. But rather than coming to him, it crumbled into dust in the air.

Felix continued to fall faster, scrunching his eyes closed as he braced for the inevitable impact.

He hit the ground, but felt no pain. Felix opened his eyes to see he was inside a gigantic cavern, ornately decorated. It was familiar, had he been here before?

A rumble in the ground behind him caused him to snap his head around, and Felix watched in horror as a great troll ran at him full pelt. He tried to move but he was stuck in place, helpless. The troll was nearly upon him, it raised it's enormous hammer in the air, ready to bludgeon him, and brought it down to earth in a fell swoop.

Felix bolted upright in his bed, gasping for air. His hands were raised in the air as if to defend himself and he was full of a sense of panic. Realising after a moment he was, in fact, safe in his bed, he let his arms flop down to the side and took a great, deep breath.

It's cool, Fe. It was just a nightmare.

Several minutes of deep breathing later, Felix felt his heart rate slow to a normal pace. The dorm around him was quiet, the light peaking in between his curtains dim, and Felix guessed it was probably still quite early.

Knowing there was slim to no chance of getting back to sleep, he huffed and climbed out of bed to see the room still mostly cast in darkness. Felix grabbed his uniform and changed as quietly as he could, and grabbing his bag and things for the day, he headed into the common room.

Unsurprisingly, the common room was completely deserted. Felix glanced at a clock on the mantle that confirmed it was still rather early, so he decided to use this opportunity to have a bit of a wander round the castle while it was quieter.

Felix explored the lower floors of the castle at leisure, using his map to explore different ways around from his common room, and by the time a few people began to appear in the corridors, he decided to head to breakfast.

There were very few people in the Great Hall when Felix arrived, so he walked over to the Hufflepuff table where only a few older students were lounging at the other end and took a seat near the other end. Helping himself to a plate of scrambled eggs and toast, he popped an apple in his robes for later.

Felix was a bit lost in his own thoughts, trying but failing not to think about his nightmare, when a friendly voice floated to him.

"Hello, Felix. May I join you?" Adelaide asked from a few meters away, walking in his direction. Felix motioned to the seat next to him with a smile. "Of course," he said politely.

"How was your first day?" she asked while serving herself breakfast.

"Good! A bit daunting, but good," Felix laughed.

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