𝟢𝟢𝟫. good or bad?

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good or bad?

21 APRIL 2021,

OH BY CIARA played through her headphones as she warmed up for the race. Screwing her eyes shut as her trainer pulled at the band roughly, her neck flexed slightly but barely moved.

She tried not to think about Isabella's sudden appearance, but it stayed fervently in the back of her head like a long forgotten memory.

Nat breathed in deeply and let it stay a memory, she had to focus on the race. The Portuguese and Spanish Grand Prix's hadn't gone so well, from the 'lack of strategy' to a 5 second penalty, she had finished 13th and 15th on either race.

But other than that, she and Charles had gained new bracelets. A bangle inspired from the Portuguese azulejos and a faux gold bracelet with a quote written in Spanish.

Their managers had put some restrictions so that the whole Florence fiasco wouldn't happen again. But did they comply with the rules?

Not really.

They ran off to Lisbon after the race, this time disguising themselves, they explored the beautiful city until their legs burned and ate so many pastéis de nata that their stomachs ached. They visited so many Palaces and learned so much folklore and knowledge from the native people.

When they arrived in Barcelona with a darker tan and big smiles, their managers nearly ripped their ears off with their lecture. And her dad nearly murdered her ( she was being dramatic, he couldn't have cared less ).

She shared his sentiment, because by the end of the weekend, her and Charles were off on another adventure.

They'd woken up early to watch the sunrise at the beach, visited the Sagrada Família, watched the city from above and ate breakfast. They went to parks, more palaces and churches, they also went to the aquarium and watched the fishes swim through the tunnel.

With all of her worries gone, Natalia felt as though she could breathe again.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and she snapped out of her thoughts. Charles's lips moved but there was no sound, she removed one of her earbuds and made a confused sound.

He repeated himself. "Your dad is in front of the garage."

Nat noticed the tension between his brows and could guess it was from his crash in Quali the day before. He had been beating himself up for it all afternoon, even though he was still starting from pole position.

"Ah." She thanked him and made her way to where her dad waited for her.

They'd have a small 'briefing' before every race, it was their little tradition that began from when she first entered the paddock when she was two ( his first year in F1 ). It started off as her giving him a good luck kiss on the cheek and promising to not be reckless during the race.

When she was little, she was nicknamed the Princess of the Paddock as she used to jump from garage to garage and wish her favorite drivers good luck. The drivers wouldn't mind as they loved her too much to be bothered.

Nat raised a brow as she saw her dad stand in front of the Ferrari garage with his hand on his hip and a familiar expression on his face.

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