𝟢𝟢𝟩. friendship bracelets.

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friendship bracelets.

21 APRIL 2021,

THAT MORNING THEY'D woken up exceptionally early ( much to Nat's dismay ) to explore the city a little more.

Nat circled the stands, the smell of leather and cheap fabric clung in the air, with Charles following right behind her.

She stopped in front of a stand and stared at the fridge magnets. She had a habit of collecting one from each place she visited and buying extra for her grandparents.

After grabbing two and paying for them, she thanked the vendor and turned around in search of Charles, only to find him being handed a small bag in the trinkets stand.

Nat frowned and approached him. "What's in the bag?"

Charles' head snapped up and he hurriedly pocketed the bag. "Just something for my mom." He shrugged and her frown deepened as he walked away, with her close behind.

An old lady stopped him and showed him all of the crochet scarves, blankets and stuffed animals she'd made, as well as bracelets with little beads on them.

"Her granddaughter made these." Charles said as he grabbed one of the bracelets, it had blue beads and a moon charm.

Nat smiled, she remembered being little and making friendship bracelets with Delia and...
"We can get matching bracelets." She joked, she knew that Charles liked to collect a few bracelets here and there.

She grabbed one that was similar to his, but it had yellow beads and a sun charm, and another that was a chain of flowers.

Charles glanced at her and grabbed the bracelets she held. "Sure." He handed them to the old lady, who smiled back at them before disappearing into the back.

"I was joking." She turned fully to him and put her hand on her hip, leaning against the table.

"I know."

"So why are you buying the bracelets?"

"Just because."

"That doesn't really answer my question."

"Pretend it does."

She groaned and the lady came back with the bracelets wrapped neatly in paper. Charles stretched out his arm to hand her the money, but Nat shouldered him and put her own money in the old woman's hands.

He turned to her with a perplexed look and she just smiled at him innocently as she was handed the bracelets. Nat thanked the woman and walked away.

"Why did you do that?"

"Just because." She mocked, turning around to smile at him as he stood there, jaw slacked. "Come on! We don't have all day!"

They were going to a guided tour of the Duomo before going to a cooking class, and they had half an hour to arrive.

And Nat didn't like to be late. ( a lie since she is often late to important things, but she was trying to change! )


THE COOKING CLASS had gone...great. Nobody died or lost a limb, but they were certainly traumatized.

Charles was not a good cook, that was proven when he burnt the cheese but the pizza dough was still raw. And Nat's situation, somehow, was worse. The pasta she'd made was sour and the sauce was too salty.

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