Chapter 40

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Isabella D'Angelo sat across from her brother, Riccardo, in their family's opulent coffee shop.

The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the soft hum of conversation filled the air as they enjoyed their moment of sibling bonding.

Riccardo, ever the epitome of sophistication, sipped his espresso with an air of refinement. "So, Isa, how's everything going at college?" he inquired, a hint of concern laced in his voice.

Isabella smiled warmly at her brother, appreciating his genuine interest in her well-being. 

"It's going great, Riccardo. Classes are challenging, but I'm managing," she replied, taking a delicate sip of her latte.

Riccardo nodded, his brow furrowing slightly.

"That's good to hear. And how about... the boys?" he asked, his tone becoming notably more guarded.

Isabella couldn't help but chuckle at her brother's sudden shift in demeanor. 

"Ah, the infamous 'boys' question," she teased, flashing him a playful grin. 

"Don't worry, Riccardo. I'm not getting into any trouble."

Riccardo's expression softened, but the protective glint in his eyes remained. 

"It's not that I don't trust you, Isa. It's just... you know how I am when it comes to... certain matters," he admitted, his voice trailing off slightly.

Isabella reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on her brother's. 

"I know, Riccardo. And I appreciate it, I really do," she said sincerely, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 

"But you don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself."

Riccardo smiled, his eyes reflecting his admiration for his sister's resilience. "I know you can, Isa. You're strong and capable, just like our mother," he said proudly, his voice tinged with warmth.

Isabella felt a swell of affection for her brother, grateful for his unwavering support. 

"Thanks, Riccardo. That means a lot coming from you," she replied, giving his hand another squeeze.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a server, delivering a platter of delicate pastries to their table. 

Isabella's eyes lit up at the sight of the delectable treats, and she couldn't resist reaching for a petite éclair.

Riccardo chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm, pouring her a fresh cup of coffee. "Go ahead, Isa. Indulge yourself," he said with a smile, watching her take a blissful bite of the pastry.

As they enjoyed their coffee and pastries, Isabella couldn't help but feel grateful for her brother's presence in her life. 

Despite his overprotective tendencies, she knew that Riccardo would always have her back, no matter what.

And as they lingered in the cozy ambiance of the coffee shop, lost in conversation and laughter, Isabella couldn't help but cherish the special bond she shared with her beloved brother. 

In that moment, surrounded by love and warmth, she felt truly blessed to be a part of the D'Angelo family.

My family

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