Chapter 7

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I wanted to tell you all something. Actually, I want this story to be slow and have all the things of isabella and her family.

Like her toddler self, younger self, teen, adult, her love life, and her everything.

I love this idea of mine a lot to show you how it is.

If this story is boring or it seems bad to you all or anything. 

Please do tell me in the comments! :)

I will try to improve it :)

And I am really sorry, because of some work, I wasn't able to write the chapter..!

Thank you! :)

"Dad! Dad! See we won the tour!" The eldest 3 chimed happily and came running towards their dad.

"Wow! You are my kings! Very Good Boys!" He hugged the boys and kissed their foreheads.

"I'm so proud of you all!" He said with pride in his eyes.

Well, you all must be thinking about what kind of tour.

It was a football tour.

It was an inter-school competition. 

They practiced their asses off to win the competition.

Now, see they won!

"Come on my kings and my queens! Today we will throw a family party because our kings won the tour championship!" Their father chimed happily and announced while clapping his hands.

You all must be thinking about the kings and the queens.

The king means his brother, sons and his father, and all the males in the family. 

By the queens, he means his beautiful daughter, his wife, his mother, his sister, and in-laws, and all the females in the family.

He is very much possessive of his wife.


One day, Greta got a call from her high school friend, to inform her that they are doing a greeting with all the students and his voice sounded kind of sloppy.

Francesco, being an overprotective husband, first looked at his wife and asked if she want to go but she nodded no, then giving a nod to his wife, he took the phone from her hands and said-

"Hello, there mate. Whoever you are! My wife isn't interested to join that high school party of yours. She is happy with me and she has many children with me! So never call her again, or you will regret calling her!"

The guy on the other side hurriedly cut the call.

"Come on now, Francesco! That was a bit rude!" His wife pouted at him.

Suddenly, his blood boiled thinking she was caring for another guy then a playful smirk was formed on his lips.

Then Greta got the hint.

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