Bonus Scene

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The D'Angelo mansion was abuzz with excitement as the great prank war between Giovanni and Gabriele unfolded. 

Each day brought new surprises, laughter, and cunning schemes as the two brothers vied for the title of the ultimate prankster. 

Isabella, always up for a good laugh, watched with glee as the pranks escalated to new heights.

One afternoon, Isabella found herself in the kitchen with Giovanni, conspiring over a particularly clever prank idea. 

With a twinkle in her eye, she whispered, "I think it's time to turn the tables on Gabriele, Gio. Let's give him a taste of his own medicine!"

Giovanni grinned, clearly intrigued. "I like where this is going, Isa. What's the plan?"

Isabella leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "You know Gabriele's favorite pair of sneakers, the ones he's so proud of?"

Giovanni nodded, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh, I know them well."

Isabella handed Giovanni a small container filled with washable, non-toxic paint. "I propose we give those sneakers a colorful makeover when he's not looking. 

Imagine his face when he sees his precious sneakers in all their rainbow glory!"

Giovanni's eyes lit up with excitement. "Isabella, that's brilliant! Let's do it!"

That evening, when Gabriele was engrossed in a game with his younger siblings, Isabella and Giovanni seized their opportunity.

Sneaking into Gabriele's room, they carefully painted each sneaker in a vibrant spectrum of colors, careful not to make a mess.

They stood back to admire their handiwork, giggles bubbling up as they imagined Gabriele's reaction. "He's going to be absolutely stunned," Isabella whispered, her eyes dancing with mirth.

The next morning, the entire family gathered for breakfast, trying to stifle their laughter as they waited for Gabriele to discover the colorful surprise. 

Giovanni and Isabella exchanged knowing glances, barely able to contain their excitement.

As Gabriele walked into the room, his eyes widened in disbelief as he caught sight of his once-pristine sneakers now transformed into a masterpiece of vibrant hues. 

His mouth dropped open, and for a moment, he was rendered speechless.

The room erupted in laughter, and even Lorenzo, who usually maintained a composed demeanor, couldn't help but chuckle. "Looks like you've been pranked, my boy!"

Gabriele's shock quickly turned into a hearty laugh, his face breaking into a wide grin. "Well played, Giovanni, Isabella. You got me good this time."

Isabella giggled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "We figured it was time to level the playing field, Gab. You've been quite the prankster lately."

Gabriele nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting from his colorful sneakers to his mischievous siblings. "You know what they say, payback is a dish best served with a splash of color."

And so, the prank war between Giovanni and Gabriele continued, each brother determined to outdo the other in their pursuit of lighthearted fun. 

The mansion echoed with laughter, playful banter, and the occasional surprised shout as pranks were discovered.

In the end, it wasn't about who won or lost, but the joy they found in each other's company and the shared memories they created. 

The D'Angelo family knew that these moments of laughter and camaraderie were what made their bond unbreakable, and the prank war became a cherished chapter in their tapestry of sibling love.

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