Bonus Scene

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I am so tireddd of the emotional thingyssss!!!

So i decided to give a bonus sceneeeeee!!!!!!

In the cozy living room of their charming Italian villa, Francesco sat on the couch, cradling his precious daughter, Isabella, in his arms. 

She was a little bundle of joy, with chubby cheeks and bright, curious eyes that mirrored her father's.

"Vieni qui, bella ragazza," (Come here, pretty girl,)

 Francesco cooed, planting a soft kiss on Isabella's forehead. He loved to speak to her in Italian, believing it was the language of love and family.

Isabella giggled in response, her tiny hands reaching up to touch her father's face. 

Francesco's heart melted at the sight, and he couldn't help but shower her with affectionate words and caresses.

"Sei la mia piccola stella,"he whispered, his voice filled with love. "You are my little star."

As Isabella grew, Francesco's protective instincts only grew stronger. 

He made sure the house was child-proofed, and he was always by her side, ready to catch her if she stumbled or bumped into something.

One sunny afternoon, Isabella took her first wobbly steps. Francesco's eyes lit up with pride and joy as he witnessed this milestone. 

"Brava, Isabella! Sei bravissima!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands in excitement.

Isabella beamed, feeling her father's love and encouragement. 

She took a few more steps, each one bringing a delighted smile to Francesco's face.

As Isabella grew older, Francesco continued to watch over her like a hawk. He was there for every scraped knee, every lost tooth, and every school performance.

 Isabella knew she could always count on her protective father to be her rock.

One day, Isabella came home from school, her face downcast. Francesco immediately sensed something was wrong and pulled her into his arms. 

"Tesoro mio, cos'è successo?" he asked, using his soothing voice to calm her. ("My darling, what happened?")

Isabella sniffled, "I had a fight with my friend, and I don't know what to do."

Francesco gently wiped away her tears. "Non preoccuparti, amore. We all have disagreements, but true friends always find a way to make up."

He then shared a story from his own childhood, where he had a similar falling out with a friend and how they had eventually patched things up. 

Isabella listened attentively, finding comfort in her father's words.

"Ti voglio bene, papà," she said, hugging him tightly. ("I love you dad")

"Ti voglio bene anche io, principessa," ("I love you too, my princess") Francesco replied, kissing the top of her head. 

"And I will always be here for you, no matter what."

As the years passed, Isabella knew she was truly her father's princess. 

Francesco's love and protection never wavered, and Isabella treasured every moment they shared together.

Their home was filled with the warmth of love and Italian words of endearment. 

And so, the bond between father and daughter, between Francesco and Isabella, grew stronger with each passing day, a love that transcended language and filled their hearts with joy and gratitude.

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