Chapter 07

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<PERVIOUSLY> Max and Daniel spent the three days having so much fun. Max's father had flown to Tokyo, as they heard. So Max didn't have anything to worry about then. So Daniel decided to take that opportunity to get close to his crush. They both did. But Max still feared what would happen after Dan discovered his other secret. But deep down, Max knew that Dan would never let him go. Dan won't get scared of him. So he let himself fall for Daniel...

Those three days went quickly as they grew close together and had fun together. Their little vacation ended quickly, leaving them heartbroken for now that they had to go back to their homes. They decided to fly back to Monaco and depart from there. But Max and Daniel excused themselves by saying that they had to go meet Max's mom and also Christian, so they would come back later. Everyone bid goodbye to both of them and flew back to Monaco.

Max and Daniel went to meet Christian, and they went to Belgium by Max's private jet. Max's family's house was located in Belgium. After 15-17 hours flying, they finally landed in Belgium. They decided to rent a car and go to Max's house. Night had already fallen to Belgium. When they arrived at his family's house, it was almost midnight. After arriving, Max began to search for the extra key by moving flower pots. Dan took part, too. After finding the key, they entered the house and turned the lights on. It was very dark. Dan and Christian almost tripped and fell while bumping into walls.

"Guys, that is my father's room. That's where the computers are. I'm going to get the footage of my gaming room." Max said and pointed out a room.

"Alright, I'll look into your father's computers." Christian said, and he walked to the room that Max had pointed out. Dan went with Max to his gaming room.

"Wow, big, and dusty," Dan said while exploring Max's gaming room.

"I haven't been here in years, Dan. I can't even remember the last time I was here."

Max says as he looks for the USB drive where he had gathered the CCTV footage.

"Here, let me help you." Dan and Max now are moving his gigantic gaming setup so Max can get his hands on where he hid the USB drive. After a few minutes of struggling,

"GOT IT!" Max yells in happiness.

"Good job, Maxie. Now let's get out of here." Dan said, and they both went out of his gaming room to Christian...

"I got the stuff, boys." Christian said happily.

"Okay, now let's go back home." Max said, and they all left the house for their car. But a sudden car's headlights made them hold their steps. Max, who is now shaking all over, it was his father's car. Of course, Max recognized his father's car immediately.

But they were all shocked... He was supposed to be in Tokyo. But what is he doing here now? The car stopped in front of them and his father got out of the car and closed the car door with all his might, came rushing to Max but Christian and Daniel had stepped in front of him like their his shield. Christian had already put the evidence into his pockets.

"Get out of my way, you filthy animals," Jos said and punched Daniel in the face. It made him lose his balance and fall to the ground. And Jos grabbed Christian by the collar and shoved him to the side of the car. Daniel hisses when he hits the ground, as well as Christian.

"You filthy bastard! How dare you! How dare you step into my property without my permission?" His father yelled at Max, who was still standing without moving a muscle, shocked. But when he sees his lover and his second father on the ground hissing at the pain that his own father had caused them, he sees red. All he sees is red. He growls.

"WHY FATHER, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NORMAL?" Max screams as he jumps forward, shifting into his gigantic wolf. Max's wolf form was a white gigantic wolf with ocean-blue eyes. Wolf was very big (I mean Twilight Saga-sized ~). Jos, who is shocked by what had happened just now, falls back to the ground as Max's wolf puts one of his giant paws on his chest. And growls loudly to his face.

Imagine max in wolf form growling at Jos like this~

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Imagine max in wolf form growling at Jos like this~

However, Daniel, who witnessed the event, is now completely shocked with his jaw dropping to the ground. He looked at Christian but Christian didn't look so shocked at what had happened, Like he knew Max could shapeshift even from the start.

"Christian, did you know about this?" He read his thoughts out loudly.

"Yes, I knew that Max could shapeshift." Christian agrees. Now Daniel is somewhat relieved and sad. But this is not the time to be sad. He snaps out of thoughts and calls out Max's name out loud.

Max, who is in wolf form, is now looking at Daniel. Dan tells him that now is the time to go. So Max looks back at his father, growls at him, and suddenly jumps on his father's car. Jos's car gets crashed by the weight of Max's wolf. Then he lets out a really loud howl and jumps back to the ground, shifting to his human form. Then they got into their car and started to drive off, leaving Jos behind on the ground...

 Then they got into their car and started to drive off, leaving Jos behind on the ground

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Imagine Max is angry in wolf form like this,,, hehe and in white tooo...


Sooo how's the story so far guys? 

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