Chapter 06

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<PREVIOUSLY> "Ah it's fine mate, let's eat." Everyone sat at the large table and began to eat their food. While Charles and Lando decided to have a food fight. Then Everyone joined them. Throwing food at each other and laughing. Kimi and Seb watched as the kids played. They didn't want to stop the kids from having fun, so they decided to watch them with smiles on their faces. Daniel watched Max throwing food at Lando and laughing his butt off with an adored look. He didn't want this moment to end. He wanted to see Max laughing and smiling every day. If only that was possible. 

Later in the evening, they decided to have a little party. So everyone started to gather what they could get to arrange this party. While Max and Dan decided to call his mother.

She picked up after three rings. Max put it on speaker so Dan could hear everything.

"Hello, my darling. How are you doing?"

"Hey mom, I'm fine. How are you doing?"

"I'm ok too son."

"Listen, Mom, I need your help with something..."

"What is it, honey? Tell me."

"Mom, I want you to call Dad and ask about his current plans. I will explain everything later, Mom, I promise."

There was a minute of silence from the other side of the phone and then they heard her voice again.

"Are you going to sue your father, darling?" She suddenly asks. Now Max is out of his word. He has completely forgotten that his mother had wolf ability, too. So she can predict the things that are going to happen in the future.

"I...Yes Mom, I'm tired of living like this. I want this to end.'

"I know darling, I know. But don't forget who is he alright? Just be careful with everything, love. I'm proud of you. Finally, making big decisions. My boy has grown." Then they heard muffling sounds from the other side of the line.

"Mom, it's ok, everything is gonna be ok, can you help us with that?"

"Of course darling, I will call and ask, just give me a few minutes, alright?"

"Alright Mom, thank you. I love you."

"I love you too, darling." With that, they end the call with his mom. Now all they have to do is wait for his mom to call back with the information. They ran back to where the other drivers were organizing the party.

"There you are. Where have you been, you two lovebirds?" Carlos asks while showing a grinning face.

"Nowhere," Max shrugged playfully.

"Don't tell me you guys already having *pause* with each other?" Lando jokes.

"Nooo Landoo. Speaking of, why aren't you two doing that already?" Max joked back, motioning the two, Carlos and Lando. Lando blushed at the sudden comment. Which made Carlos cough a little. That made everyone laugh.

"Alright kids, come here everyone. Let's start the party." They heard Seb calling them, so they ran back to where Kimi and Seb were and Lewis put the music on and everyone decided to dance and have fun. Some of them were drinking, some were dancing, some were eating, and some were already drunk. Charles and Lando were the ones who got already drunk, while their boyfriends were trying to get them to eat something, which was Pierre and Carlos. Max and Dan were eating some chips and drinking some soda. They were laughing and giggling at jokes, while Max's phone rang and made them both hold their laughter. Max saw the ID, and it was his mother. So he picked it up and went to a less noisy place with Dan.

"Hello, mom, do you have any good news?"

"Yes darling, he said he's now in Hawaii and then he's gonna leave for Tokyo tomorrow. He said he'll be gone for a week. So if you want to go to the family's house, you gotta go within a week, darling."

"Thank you, mom. I really appreciate this. I have to go now mom, I love you. Bye."

"Don't thank me, darling. I'm your mother. I will do anything for you. I love you too. Please stay safe, ok?"

"Ok, Mom"

"Bye" They ended the call.

"Soooo we have a week to do this. We definitely can't leave now. This is a vacation."

"When did they decide to go back home, Dan?"

"Wednesday, we have to wait three more days, Max."

"Alright, he's going to Tokyo tomorrow and won't be back for a week, so we have time to go back to my family's house. We need to tell this to Christian."

"Yeah, call and tell him, and let's go back to the party." Dan said, and they walked back to the party after taking a call to Christian and telling him everything that his mother told them. And they have decided to go back to Max's family's house as soon as the vacation ends.

Max and Daniel spent the three days having so much fun. Max's father had flown to Tokyo, as they heard. So Max didn't have anything to worry about then. So Daniel decided to take that opportunity to get close to his crush. They both did. But Max was still scared of what would happen after Dan figured out his other secret. But deep down, Max knew that Dan would never let him go. Dan won't get scared of him. So he let himself fall for Daniel.


Hey guys, i'm really busy these days, my classes started so....

I'm sorry for the short chapter also...

Hope you'll enjoy, 



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