Chapter 03

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<previously> Max, who woke up because of his crush, experiences somewhat relief and happiness because his nightmares disappear when he sleeps with Daniel...

When they landed the plane they got into the cars and drove off to their destination. Max, Daniel, Charles, Pierre, Lando, and Carlos were on a mini-man. Kimi and Seb in a car. Lewis, George, Checo, and Lance were in Lewis's car. And the rest of the drivers, including Fernando, went in another minivan.

Daniel was the one who was driving their minivan. And Max on the passenger seat, others were in the back laughing and joking. And whenever they saw a restaurant passing, Lando would shout to stop because he was hungry.

"Aghhhhh, that was a KFC, u idiot," Lando yells to Daniel.

"Shh, Carino, how are you this hungry? You ate a lot on the jet too... we'll stop at the next one for you, ok?" Carlos said while trying to calm his lover down.

"Fine." Lando crosses his arms.

"I'm a little hungry, too." added Charles.

"Me too." Max whispers and prays no one hears him, but Daniel, who already heard it sees a McDonald's up ahead. Pulling to the parking lot, Dan turned off the engine.

"Alrighty everyone, let's go eat something." He says..

"YESSS!!" Lando, who was craving some food, jumps out of the van and runs to the building. Carlos was running behind Lando, trying to slow him down. Behind them, Charles and Pierre were running.

"Are you okay Maxie?" Dan asked the Dutchman, who was now strolling to the McDonald's building.

"Yep, I'm ok Dan," He gives Dan a little smile. Dan greeted back with a little smile.

After they all ordered, they enjoyed the meals. Lando and Charles were the ones who ordered a lot of food. To the other driver's surprise, they managed to eat all of their food. Max, on the other hand, ate a bit much more than his usual diet. Daniel felt surprised. 'He must be very hungry, even though he doesn't admit it.' Dan thought and called and told the grid dads that they had pulled over to grab something to eat. Because he knows that Seb will most likely get scared when they're not on time. He might think that the kids got into an accident or pulled over for speeding... Something like that. So Dan had to make sure they didn't get their grid dads worried. After a whole 45-50 minutes at the Mcdonalds', they decided to head to the hotel.

After arriving, grid dads had already booked the rooms for them. But Max asked the grid dads if he could get a room on his own. Seb and Kimi didn't try to reason with him but said he could get a room on his own. On the other hand, Daniel was feeling a bit sad because of it. But didn't pressure Max into sleeping with him, coz Dan knew that Max was most likely to spend time alone on his own. So he bid goodnight to the dads and Max, walked to his room. Which was two rooms apart from Max's room.

After stepping inside his room, Max wanted to take a shower so badly. And after some time in the bathroom, he suddenly gets a call from his mom.

"Hello Mom, how are you?"

"Max, darling, I'm alright. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay too Mom, how's dad? Did he ever call you?"

"Oh, he doesn't usually call me Max, but he did yesterday and said he'll be going abroad. But he didn't say where he was going. I didn't ask either. Anyway, how are things going on in Hawaii?" His mom asked in an enthusiastic tone.

Chuckling at his mother's tone, "Everything's going smoothly, Mom. It's night here. I was going to sleep."

"Oh dear, I'm sorry darling for troubling you, anyway have fun. Good night Maxie. I love you."

"Okay Mom, good night, I love you too." After ending the call, he put his black hoodie on and put some pajamas on, and jumped to the bed. Recalling what had happened all day, smiling at thoughts, he closed his eyes to drift to his slumber, hoping that he wouldn't get any nightmares. But a sudden knock on the door made his eyes shoot open, 'Who could it be at this hour?' he thought and got off the bed and reached for the door. When he opened the door, his jaw was almost falling to the floor as he saw his own father standing in front of him. He gets a déjà vu feeling, but like every time before, he could've done something or said something. His dad pushed him inside the room by closing the door and locking it. Max, who was pushed, is now lying on the floor of his room, hissing at the pain. His dad springs towards him and, by grabbing his collar, punches him with all he has. Max can't even do anything to the point his father is hitting him. He can't even defend himself. Max feels so ashamed of himself. So he decides not to defend himself at all. Getting punched by his father on his vacation was the last thing he could imagine. After beating his son almost to a pulp, Jos leaves Max on the floor crying, curling himself into a ball.

"You're a fucking faggot, you know that? No son of mine will be a faggot, until you get that into your thick skull head, I will beat the shit out of you Max, keep that in mind," he says and disappears from Max's eyes.


What do you guys think will happen next??

Good night,

Love yall,



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I kind of found this pic of danny on pintrest and wanted to share with yall

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I kind of found this pic of danny on pintrest and wanted to share with yall...  hehe~

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