Chapter 05

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<PREVIOUSLY> In the morning, Daniel was the first to wake up, then Christian woke up a couple of minutes later. Looking at the boy who's still peacefully sleeping, they both share a smile with each other. For Max's loud snore. They decide to keep everything they do very quiet so as not to wake the sleeping baby. After a few minutes. Max stirred open his eyes to hear some voices inside his room. So he searches with his sleepy eyes where those voices came from. Then he sees Daniel and Christian talking while drinking something. 'How did they get into my room?' he thinks. And suddenly it hits him. What happened last night with his father, how he punched him left, how he begged his father to stop. Tears were filling his sleepy eyes...

Daniel, who was in a deep conversation with Christian about what to do about this matter, heard a tiny sob. When he turns around to see it, he sees Max is now awake and tears are falling from his eyes, which makes his heart break again. Daniel quickly rushed to his Dutchman and tried his best to calm Max down.

"Maxie, shh, does it hurt somewhere? Tell me, it's ok, we're here for you. It's okay." Dan tried to calm the crying Dutchman down.

"Yes, son, we're here for you. You don't have to be afraid." Joined Christian.

"D-Does he know?" Max asked Christian in a very low tone...

"Yes, Max, I had to tell him." Max felt his body shaking. His secret, now his crush, knows his secret. How will he react? Will he leave? Thoughts were running wild in Max's mind.

"Hush, Maxie, It's ok, I'm not gonna go anywhere, alright. I'm staying here with you. I'm not mad at you either. I'm yours forever." Dan told Max and hugged him tightly. Max suddenly felt loved. So he hugged Dan back and cried on his chest. They stayed like that until Max fully calmed down. Christian was a bit worried that Max was gonna shift if he kept crying. He doesn't want that to happen here. So he stood restlessly. After Max had calmed down, Christian broke the silence.

"Max, we need to talk. We don't want to see you suffering like this anymore. We really need to do something about this. I know you know what I mean, right?"

There was again an awkward silence in the room, but then Max spoke.

"....You're right Christian, but he's my father... I too want this to end, but what if he... No, I'm done living like this. I want this to end Christian. Please make it end. Make it stop." Max finally spoke.

"It's gonna be okay, Maxie. I promise. After everything, you're gonna be ok. I will protect you no matter what. I promise," Danie said, while giving a kiss on Max's forehead. Max low-key blushed at Aussie's comment.

"Thank you, Dan. I really appreciate it." He smiled.

"Alright then, we need to gather some evidence first. Max, you and yourself are evidence too, but we need to win this case if we want to be free from your father. So in that case, we need some more evidence. Do you understand?"

"Yes Christian, Ohh I remember, back at our family house. We had cameras all around the house, and he never deleted the camera footage ever. So we can find something there too. And I kinda have some CCTV footage in my room, too. I kept them in case of an emergency. They're in my gaming room. We need to get it before Dad finds out. I know maybe he's currently in Hawaii. I don't know when he will go back."

"I see, well we can use that footage for evidence for sure. But how do to get them without getting caught by your father?" Christian questions.

"We can ask my mom to help us." Max says.

"Really? How?"

"I know dad sometimes calls my mom, so I can ask mom to call dad and casually ask dad about his current plans."

"Will it work Maxie?" Dan asks.

"I don't know, but what if it works?" Max asks.

"You know what? Let's do that. If we're lucky, we can get some good information." With that, Christian decided to make a plan. While Dan and Max decided to join the other driver so they wouldn't suspect anything. Max covered his face with some makeup he had. He doesn't want anyone to see his wounds. Then they had some fun with other drivers playing, drinking, eating, laughing... Max is so grateful that Dan is with him. Supporting him. He never thought that someone would stay with him after they got to know one of his secrets. And Max fears if Dan figured out his daddy issues like that. What if he finds out about his other secret? Which was his shapeshifting ability. Will Dan get scared of him? Will he run away from him? Max doesn't want that to happen. A sudden tap on his shoulder brought Max back to reality from his train of thoughts.

"'Maxieee, I've been calling your name for like five timeess... Are you alright?" Dan asked Max in a slightly worried tone.

"Oh, no no, I'm sorry Dan, I couldn't hear you. I was thinking about everything."

"Hey, it's ok Maxie, everything is gonna be okay. Now let's go eat something. I'm starvinggg." Dan said in a playful tone, which made Max giggle. Then Dan grabbed Max's hand and dragged him to the outdoor restaurant, which was on the hotel premises.

"There you are, Max. Where have you been, mate? I haven't seen you since yesterday. Everything alright?" Lewis greets them and asks.

"Yeah lew, everything's fine. I was just tired, so I overslept."

"Ah it's fine mate, let's eat." Everyone sat at the large table and began to eat their food. While Charles and Lando decided to have a food fight. Then Everyone joined them. Throwing food at each other and laughing. Kimi and Seb watched as the kids played. They didn't want to stop the kids from having fun, so they decided to watch them with smiles on their faces. Daniel watched Max throwing food at Lando and laughing his butt off with an adored look. He didn't want this moment to end. He wanted to see Max laughing and smiling every day. If only that was possible.


Alright everyone, can you tell me about my writing? I'm not really sure about the style... I mean is it too fast? Is it hard to read? 

I need your comments to get it...

Happy reading everyone,



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