1. Sheila

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It's raining.
I'm walking to the shared apartment I'm supposed to stay in for the next twelve months without an umbrella, and it's raining.
The drops of rain and the freezing wind are drenching me and by the time I'll finally be home, I'll probably have already caught a cold.

My hair is sticking to my face and I'm in no mood to move it away, I'm too busy counting the steps left until I reach my apartment.
Today's been the first day at the police station, in the CID (Criminal Investigation Department), where I've been granted an internship along with two other classmates from uni and all I want to say is: "Who made me do this!?"

As a whole, it's been the best experience of my entire life but I hated being laughed at by some fat officer that only knows how to take naps and seat around all day long.
I sigh, the thought only makes me want to punch that ugly face of his.
'He' by the way is John, or Sir Donut, how I mentally named him.
The CID in the police station looked amazing, it had a total number of 50 members which worked in the three sections of the place and each was equipped with their own desk and computer to work on the given cases.

As it was my first day, I only saw it all generally and talked to a few people from the BR&T section (Burglary, Robbery and Theft).
The Director, Mr.Gale handed me some papers to fill in with details about myself and later on made me undergo some test on a computer so he could see how eligible I am for the internship.
Of course that didn't make me happy but I had to show him I'm not completely useless and did all he said, without complaining.
I'm still holding the paper with the results but it's of absolutely no use to me, now.

I passed, the sheet got wet from the rain and I'm still stupidly holding it in hand like it's actually important.
Another sigh escapes me as I finally get in the building and walk up the stairs to my apartment.
I open the door, the tinkling sound of the keys echoes on the extension of the stairs in the building and as soon as I step in, I take my shoes off and reach the bin to throw that useless PASS paper that Mr.Gale gave me with an apologetic smile.

"Idiots," I say out of frustration while beginning to take my shirt off mid way to the bathroom.
Nobody is home tonight, both Gaia and Jayden are gone celebrating their first day at the station and thankfully I'll have some peace.
My clothes are thrown to the feet of the sink before I get in the shower and let the water wash off the nerves, anxiety and stress I kept inside for a whole day.

The running water is the only sound I can hear and the only one I need at the moment.
My body was freezing up until a few minutes ago and is now warm enough to get the thought I might have a fever. After a while, I almost force myself out of the shower and wrap a towel around me as I gather my dispersed, soaked clothes and go to my room.
The phone starts buzzing, I know it's Gaia and Jayden sending me videos from their hangout with the other students on their internships in town but I ignore them, as I wear my comfortable pyjamas and begin drying my hair with a smaller towel.

I am not the best of friends with these two, I barely know them. Since the very first year of university I've only interacted with other students out of respect and common courtesy but I don't have any close friends among them; Well, not in my uni at least.
I like my solitude, I think everybody enjoys some time for themselves in peace but I do miss hanging around with friends.

A little lost in my thoughts, I slide the glass door to the balcony and step out while still trying to dry off my hair with the towel.
It's dark, there's a cold breeze that makes me shiver as soon as it makes contact with my skin but I refuse to go back inside.
I look up at the night sky knowing that for some reason it comforts me like always, but my peaceful moment gets interrupted when I smell smoke and I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

I look to the left and see a tall guy standing in his own balcony just a few inches away from mine.
He's wearing a hoodie and I can't figure out what he looks like, but my gaze follows the movement of his hand bringing the cigarette he holds up to his mouth and taking a deep drag from it.
I see the burning point of the cigarette light up slightly as he breathes in, he then lets his hand down as if it was too heavy to keep up and puffs out a tray of smoke that models in the air.
My lips curl and my brows furrow in a very much disgusted expression just when he turns to face me, and smiles from the corner of his mouth.

No, it's not a smile. It's a smirk.
Is he smirking at me? For what reason?
"You'll catch a cold if you stay out with your hair wet, kid..." he says in a deep, mature voice as he gestures towards my hair.
I instinctively touch my head, I don't know why I did it but my eyes never leave his smirk.
Did he just call me 'kid'?
"I'm twenty, I'm not a kid anymore," I say with the sudden need to prove that I'm an adult to him, "and thanks for the advice, but it's my own risk to take."

With that said I shrug and he chuckles, shaking his head.
He thinks I'm stubborn, doesn't he? I can see it on his face.
He takes the hood off his head and runs a hand through his dark hair, which I notice to be wet too.

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