we knew you'd stay

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hello there Mira where's Misha
Mira who the fuck are you?!
my name carter Dell 
Mira your name means absolute dick to me now get of my office
Carter we knew you would stay
Mira I'm in no mood for stupidity speak clear or not at all
Carter damn they didn't mention this about you
Mira Lucifer I need someone forcefully removed my office now
Carter fine I'll take my leave of you  for now we will meet again
Lucifer that won't happen if your dead now go and never bother us again
Mira people have gotten stuck stupid around here
Lucifer there was nothing wrong Misha I found parts of her tested them all came back negative she simply self destructed that i do not understand
Mira the pressure watch all these innocent people die of some unknown illnesses it was to much.
Lucifer, we have to move faster on this Clayborne. Is that lab either talking to herself or looking at slides
Mira, now I see why she at the bottom being lazzy never cured one disease. Let's do this ourselves  and give the credit
to Clayborne as a gift
Lucifer makes sense it may even push her to achieve more for herself .

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