filthy hands

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Mira knew the only way for that mafia to get away with his crimes was with help .

Mira lucifer, how many are talking about here
lucifer, not many, just five
that includes their Sargent
Misha, why don't we just remove them
Mira, we do not kill unless it's absolutely necessary we are not like them
lucifer, I've gotta plan to get rid them it involves internal affairs. They over see the police
Mira, how do you plan on removing the filthy hands
lucifer, don't worry about it they will be too busy covering their own asses
Mira, when do you plan on putting your plan into action? we haven't a lot of time
Misha, hey lucifer, do you need help
lucifer, no, I can start their nightmares real on my own
Mira then goes so we can be done with these rotten men.

Mira ready Misha to crack the vault
Misha, I'm just waiting on your word
Mira, let's do this now. lucifer will have them believing the capo was responsible for the half murders that have taken place around Venice
Misha, probably because it is guilty.

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