A blood room

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Misha, there are only ten working in this place
Mira, there's an empty room we could use
Misha, first we have to lure them in
Mira all but Vanna Carnaki
I have a cruel plan for her.
Misha, go mira. I have these ass holes. You don't want to be anywhere near this place
Mira goodbye, misha
Misha goodbye
Mira, let's go Vanna now!!
a bright hot light came from the room along with a moment blood curdling screaming then dead silence
Mira drugged Vanna, then
set her up up for murder
Mira went into the woods and
self destucted
the police police found no evidence of Misha or Mira
Vanna is currently doing ten life sentences.

Misha, that was just mean
Mira, well, what she wanted us for wasn't nice
Cleo, sorry to disturb you, but
a reliable source has to us
that the admiral wants to strike back hard.
Mira, I saw this coming. we are ready. I doubt they are.

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