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she is finished
Misha Mira why are you
Mira I'm behind you she is my body double or replica
Misha that is just fucking creepy
Mira follow me open that door
Misha she is me ?
Mira not exactly she is just mean
mine is like yours
close it we dont want anyone
peeking .
Misha you Vanna Carnakie
if she wants us so badly load those two on to ship and send
that away
Misha she bas seen me
Mira I know two others will load their worst night on the cargo dock
Misha just how mean are they
in two days they will regret their choices
our replicas where given all most brutal ways to kill .
Vanna won't live long enough
to regret coming for us.
Misha what happens to our replicas once their jobs are done
Mira they self destuct
Misha then what that admiral
Mira he wouldn't dare come for us not after the carnage
our replicas leave in there wake as I said earlier sometimes you have be willing to get dirty
Misha no offense but it's get your hands dirty
Mira isn't that what I said
Misha you said sometimes
we have get dirty
Mira oh that was a bit perverted
Mira change subject
help me place our replicas in their box
Jack the the guy's are ready to move them..
Mira oh Misha the replicas have CCTV inside then we can
watch from here.

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