Venice Italy

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miss Mira, please get in the car
my boss wants to speak with both of you ladies.
Misha told I you nothing this good couldn't come at a cost.
Mira, it gives us the upper hand now lets seee what his boss wants in return.
Misha, I have a very bad feeling about this man. we should at least single the others
Mira, I sent out the emergency single the second we got into this car.
Misha plans for a safe getaway
Mira remember the one rule or two if we can not run we self destuct if we can make quick and silent
something tells me one or both of us will have self destuct 
Mira if it comes down to it we take as many of these mother fucker as we  can wIth us so the rest of our race will have peace .

not all secrets  are truly kept
the fewer that know the better or one yourself

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