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Valerie's POV

I was stupid. I knew I still had feelings for him, but I think I was scared to fall in love again. I had left, thinking it was the right thing to do.

We hadn't spoken in months.

A lot happened those three nights and I'll never forget it.

Why was I so stupid.

"Charlotte I made a mistake." I rub my eyes trying to keep the tears away.
"I know Valerie, you say that every day." she says as she hands me two pieces of paper.

They were addressed to both of us.
*we cordially invite you to the listening party for our new album,four. love to see you there!- Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn.*
"So? Do you wanna go? It's tomorrow night." Charlotte nudged my shoulder. She obviously wanted to go.

"Oh I don't know. What will I wear? What will I say to Harry?" I only thought about going because I didn't want to just leave him not knowing why I left that night.

I thought that maybe I was overreacting. I mean, I didn't know for sure that what Louis told me was true. Maybe I should give Harry a second chance.
Harry's POV
I only invited Valerie because I wanted to know what the hell was going on between us.

Louis had been acting weird around me ever since she left. I would try to talk about her and he would always be like "I don't know ask her, gotta go."
Maybe he knew something I didn't.

It was the night of the party and I tried to look my best to impress the one girl I was looking forward to see.

I had a plan of what I would do. I would act like I didn't care that she left and I would walk off with my ex-girlfriend that would be pretending to be my date. Just to make her jealous and want me more.
Cara, who had been my fake date, was eager to see me again. She had known that I was using her, but she still was all over me.

We walked into the hotel ballroom where we had scheduled to have the party.

Then I saw her. People were greeting me and shaking my hand but my eyes never broke the stare between us.
Cara had been blocked by all the people talking to her so I trudged my way through the crowd.

"Hey. You look nice." She looked me up and down.

"Thank you. you don't look too shabby yourself." She smiled at my remark b

Cara finally caught up to me and greeted Valerie.

Her happy face went away as she saw Cara take my hand and pull me to the table where all the other boys had been.

Valerie's POV
Why was he with Cara Delevigne? They broke up months ago.

"I guess he's over me." I sigh and sat next to Charlotte.
"You should have seen your face when he left with her." she giggled.
"I'm gonna go talk to him." I stand and walk to the table.
"Can we talk in private?" I whisper to him. We walk to the corner and he groans.
"What is it?" He taps his foot
"Look, I'm sorry that I left you that night. Louis told me that you only wanted me there for sex. I got upset and left at the heat of the moment. I should've talked to you first." His jaw dropped.
"What? Why would he.... ugh" he stormed away and headed to Louis' table.
"Harry wait!" I run to him and grab his arm.
"Please don't make a big deal out of this." I beg.
"I'm going to talk to him. You can't stop me" he turns away from me.
I sit back down trying to avoid any more drama.
I see Harry and Louis argue quietly in the corner.

This did not turn out as well as I wanted it to.
Harry's POV
"Why would you tell her that? I love her. I thought you were different, Lou"
"What do you mean?"
"You told Valerie that only wanted to use her for sex."
"Ohhh, ya I did."
"Because you have done it before. You made her feel special, Harry. I saw it in her eyes. I didn't want her to be heartbroken when she found out she was just another one of your one night stands. I was just warning her." Louis walked away.
What he said was true. I have done it before,but I wasn't going to do that to Valerie. I cared about her.

The boys and I were called up to speak before we started playing the album. We all gave a speech and started playing the first track.
I couldn't help but notice that Valerie was looked sad. I wanted to go and explain everything to her but I was too much of a pussy to face the problem.

The night drew to a close and people started to leave. I knew I had to talk to her.

"Hey, Val let me just explain everything."
I told her about how I was sleeping around in the past and that what Louis said wasn't true. And I told her that I brought Cara to make her jealous.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. I should've known more before I left." She told me.
"So do you want to give it another go?" I took her hand and her eyes lit up.
"Yes, Harry. That would be nice." she giggled.
"Alright, lets go." I smiled.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I was very busy with finals and personal problems. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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