Chapter 7

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There was something cold pushed up against my cheek.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

My eyes fluttered open at the sound, and I pushed myself up from where I had been laying on the ground. Wherever I was, it was so dark. I forced myself to blink as if it would make my eyes adjust faster to the darkness. 

Details slowly emerged, but I couldn't make sense of them. It was so dark down here, my usually good vision was failing me. All wolves had excellent vision, even in the dark - so why couldn't I see?

I reached out a hand to try and get a feel for my surroundings, only it got caught on something. There was something around my wrist, both wrists actually - something cold that burned my skin where it touched. I hissed at the pain, wondering how I hadn't noticed it before. Bringing my wrists up closer to my face so I could see, my heart dropped into my stomach as my eyes finally adjusted.

Silver handcuffs. 

And my surroundings... the prison. 

I sucked in a quick breath, almost choking on the stale scent, the blood that still lingered. And my skin I could now see, was covered in crimson red - fresh blood. 

My heart pounding, I looked around myself, trying to get a grasp on reality. What was happening? Where was Alpha Sutton? How was I back here... Had Alpha Derek told him the truth? Had Liam returned me to him? Had Derek captured me somehow?

Or a worse thought... what if everything with Alpha Sutton had been a dream. I clung to the idea that my imagination wasn't good enough to conjure up such a beautiful man, but... I was dying in here. Was it possible that my mind had in fact made it all up in some kind of last ditch effort to keep me going?

"Why would you betray me?" A familiar voice sounded behind me. I whipped my head around as fast as I could. Alpha Derek had tears in his eyes. "Why? You were a daughter to me?"

I wouldn't fall for it again, I scrambled to get away from him, into the back corner of my cell. My feet brushed up against a puddle - I wouldn't look down to see what it was, I didn't want to know. I didn't know it was possible for my heart to beat so fast, like it might erupt from my chest at any moment.

"Answer me!" He screamed, and with his words came a burning pain right along the scar on my stomach, my own screams cried out in answer. "Liar! Disgrace!" 

I sobbed between my screams, with every breath a new strangled sound emerging from deep within me. "Make it stop!" I cried out, "Make it stop!"

"Fine." He whispered, and the burning finally ceased. I gasped in relief, though my stomach still throbbed in the aftermath. "Tell him what you are."

"What?" I gasped, and then Alpha Derek was gone. Alpha Sutton stood in his place. He stared down at me, emotionless. 

My breathing slowed, I could relax now. Liam was here, he wasn't going to let Derek hurt me. 

He reached down a hand, which I took gladly, and he pulled me up onto my feet. I was smiling at him in relief, but... something was wrong. My smile turned to a frown. There was something about his eyes, almost glazed over... it sent a shiver running down my spine. And then I realised, he was touching me, but there were no tingles. 

His hand dropped from mine, but he instead raised it to my shoulder, where he gently caressed my skin, his hand trailing down. But this was wrong. It felt cold, calculated. It dropped down further to my stomach, where my skin was exposed. "You're a freak." He stated, emotionless. "I would never accept a freak as my mate."

That was when he gripped hold of me, and forcefully flung me backwards with the full strength of an Alpha. My body hit the cold wall of the cell with a sickening snap.

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