Chapter 2

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"Hey, it's Melany! I can't answer the phone right now, but I'll call back ASAP! Leave a message after the beep!"

Voicemail again, I sighed, anxiously checking the time before placing my phone back into my pocket. It was 2:45, Melany promised to call at 2pm. We always arranged to call at 2pm on Thursdays. Sure, sometimes she did forget. It didn't stop me from worrying though. She was probably just busy, or got distracted. She was the Beta's mate after all, that meant she was highly ranked in the pack, she had duties she had to attend to. 

I'm sure it was fine. Besides, I would know if something truly bad had happened to her. 

I wanted to try calling again, but I knew I was out of time now. Alpha Derek had called a pack meeting today for 3pm. Most of the wolves were probably there already, but I would arrive at the last possible second. I didn't need to be around the rest of the pack any longer than I had to be. 

That meant it was time to leave - any longer and I would be late, and I definitely didn't need to give the Alpha any more reasons to hate me. 

I arrived just as the Alpha was due to start - he was always very punctual. I had once thought of him as the best Alpha I could have wished for. He was so friendly with the entire pack, so good at leading us all... And then he turned his back on me, specifically. 

My father was stood with him at the centre of the clearing where we had gathered, his gaze blank as ever. I went over quickly to my place at the back of the pack - this is where the lower ranked wolves positioned themselves, like the elderly and the injured. The wolves who weren't fighters. I knew I didn't exactly fit in here, I did have Beta blood after all, but I wasn't allowed to train or fight, so this is where I belonged. 

I didn't really mind though, it was easier to hide back here in the tree line. 

"Stormhounds pack." Alpha Derek began by addressing us all, his loud voice easily reaching all of the pack members. "We must begin preparations to host Alpha Liam Sutton of the Nightfall pack. He will be arriving tomorrow morning, Given the recent increase in rogue attacks, I am hopeful that an alliance can be formed-"

The rogue attacks were not news to me, over the past few months I'd been seeing more visions than usual- some of them involving my own pack members. That was the worst, because I couldn't even tell their families. They just had to wait until the bodies were found, sometimes that took weeks. 

I didn't know very much about the Nightfall pack, I did my best to avoid learning about other packs - the deaths I had to watch didn't seem as real when I didn't know who was involved. A small part of me prayed that tomorrow would finally be the day where I got to escape this place. My mate could belong to that pack... although knowing my luck if he does belong to it then he is back at their pack lands, not one of the wolves chosen to accompany the Alpha. 

I zoned out from what Alpha Derek was saying suddenly as my eyes went blurry - I knew what that meant. Leaning back against the tree behind me so that I would stay upright, my eyelids snapped shut on their own.

When I opened them again, I was someplace new. 

There was a rogue stood in front of me. Its fur was dark grey, and heavily matted. It was also gigantic. I pitied the wolf this rogue had its sights set on, I only had to look at it for a second to know anyone who got in its way would be dead within seconds. I thought eventually I might become numb to watching these things, that I'd get used to it. But I still wasn't, I couldn't seem to help but care. 

It had its teeth bared at something behind me, growling lowly as a threat. My stomach knotted instantly - though I watched deaths like this all the time, they never got any easier. It was horrifying, and yet a part of me felt numb. I was used to feeling this way. 

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