Chapter 10

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I knew that family.

It was Kent. My pack doctor, my friend. He had come here, and brought his family with him. They all looked nervous, especially his mate. The children stayed close by her side.

My eyes were open wide as I stared at Kent. Complete bewilderment. I thought he must be being tortured, or already dead, along with his family. But here they were. Alive. Unharmed.

They stopped a couple of meters away. Kent caught my eye, and gave me a gentle smile.

His smile seemed to snap me out of whatever trance I had been in, and on instinct I found myself moving past Liam, ignoring his instruction. I didn't care, it was Kent! I had to get to him.

I didn't make it far, a hand closed around my wrist and tugged me back. I knew it was Liam from the tingles that spread across my skin. He pulled me back to his side, but he didn't let go.

"No, it's okay." I hastened to explain to him, turning to face him. "I know them. Please."

He stared down at me for a moment that felt like an eternity, but eventually he released his grip.

As soon as he did I launched myself in Kent's direction. Liam followed close behind, as did his guards - just in case. 

I paused in front of Kent, still in disbelief, like I needed a second to take him in. He was here, really here, in front of me. He was alive!

He was alive.

I threw my arms around him then, a great sob escaped me then, and I could feel my eyes well up with tears. His arms wound around me in return, holding me just as tightly as I clung to him, and from the salty scent in the air I knew that he was crying too. We both sobbed as we embraced, my own chest heaving.

"I thought you were dead." I managed to gasp between sobs. "Or being tortured. I don't know." I could never be sure whether or not I saw every single wolf death. There was no way of knowing, so I couldn't have been sure if Kent had been killed, and maybe I'd just missed it. I'd tried not to think about it honestly, if he hadn't been killed then he must have been tortured. And there would have been absolutely nothing I could have done to help him. 

"I'm okay." He promised, though his voice shook. I moved my head to rest on his shoulder, I couldn't bring myself to care about getting tear stains on his shirt - he was looking pretty disheveled anyway, living as a rogue would do that.

And his family, I glanced over at them then through my tears. Kent's made had taken a few steps away from me, and pulled the children with her. She watched me nervously. She wouldn't stray far from her mate, but she had never wanted an association with me. 

I could have held onto Kent forever, as though I might be able to keep him safe. If it wasn't for Liam, I wouldn't have let go. But there was that tether that bound us together, and for the first time, I could feel something through it. A mix of emotions: irritation, protectiveness, and jealousy. 

Right, his wolf instincts. It didn't matter the circumstance, he wasn't going to like it if I went around hugging males. 

He hadn't spoken though, hadn't told me to get away from Kent, despite what his wolf was making him feel. For that reason I reluctantly took a step back from Kent and towards Liam. I didn't want to push him, or risk him hurting Kent. As I neared him, those emotions seemed to fade. 

"Alpha Sutton." Kent nodded his head towards him. "My name is Kent, I am the former pack doctor of the Stormhounds pack, this is my mate, Helen, and our children, Caitlin and Oliver."

"Former?" Liam echoed. "Why did you leave?"

Kent hesitated, and looked towards me, a question in his eyes. I shook my head silently. No, they didn't know.

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