Chapter 4

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I was somewhere unfamiliar. It didn't bother me so much - I could smell a faint trace of Alpha Liam in the room. It wasn't much, this clearly wasn't a room he went in often - I guessed that it was a part of his house though. The subtle scent and the feeling that he was nearby made me feel relaxed, I felt safe, so I wasn't really questioning the unfamiliarity. 

Someone must have brought me in here and placed me in the bed. Alpha Liam, perhaps? His scent here wasn't fresh though, maybe I had been asleep for a long time. 

I hadn't moved a muscle since waking up here. It wasn't that I was on edge, I just... didn't know what to do. In truth I didn't feel like doing anything. A small part of me considered getting up and going to find Alpha Liam, but I didn't know this place. How easy would it be to find him? The effort seemed like it would be too much for me.

Mostly I just felt confused. This was a moment I had been dreaming of ever since I first shifted into a wolf. Finding my mate, who would save me from my pack and my Alpha. And it had happened, here I was, having just been saved. But something was missing.

This isn't how it was supposed to go. I should have been on the phone to Melany, gushing about my mate and telling her all about what had happened, begging her to come visit and meet him for herself... 

A whimper escaped me at the thought. Melany was never going to meet my mate. She was dead. 

And me? Well, I would never see her again. I would not get to attend a funeral for her to say goodbye, I didn't even have anyone to talk to. Wasn't it normal to reminisce about fond memories of her with the other people who loved her? No one knew her here. And everyone back home that did hated her almost as much as they hated me. There was the pack doctor, but Alpha Derek may have already gotten to him. If he hadn't, me contacting him would probably seal the deal. My heart sunk into my chest at the thought.

I hoped desperately that there was some kind of life after this for werewolves. That Melany was with her mate, happy, even if I couldn't see her. 

But even if that was true, I didn't know how to go on without her. She was my entire world. I would have been happy to die at the hands of Alpha Derek. That is... until Alpha Liam showed up. 

If there was anything in this world stronger than love it was the mate bond. It was the only thing I had now, and I knew that I would have to go on living. I didn't know Alpha Liam at all, but I was overwhelmed with the need to be near him, to breathe in the same air that he did - to live alongside him. 

But there was doubt in my mind. The mate bond was strong, but was it strong enough for him to not be repulsed by my visions? Would he reject me if he found out about them? I didn't exactly have a good track record of people's reactions to the visions. But he was my mate... 

Rejections happen. It's rare, but it happens. It's possible. 

I wished Melany was here so she could tell me what to do. Is it better to tell him now and get it over with? I know a rejection would hurt more the longer we had been together. But maybe if he knew me better before he found out then he would react better?

I sighed, I didn't know any of the answers. I would just have to take it one day at a time. 

Really I should get up and shower at least. No one had changed my clothes, so I was still covered in blood and dirt which was undoubtedly staining the bright white bedsheets. I was hungry too, but searching for food was an even less attainable task than finding my way over to the bathroom. 

So, I stayed in bed. I stared at a spot on the wall for a long time. After what felt like hours, someone knocked on the door. 

I looked over at it, startled. It hadn't occurred to me that anyone might come to check up on me - I was used to looking after myself. I took in a deep breath so that I could catch the scent of whoever it was. I didn't recognise it, so it wasn't Alpha Liam. 

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