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'Love....just a word that reminds me of you.'

4 months from now, just 4 months.
Finals knocking on the door, it didn't just include studying and exams but competitions of various arts and sports. These months were going to be hectic.

Krystal was paired with Jennifer to manage the whole programme. They had to list out all the participants participating in various things, check the decor, prepare for their own exams and competitions and supervise others.

She did not know why in the whole world was she chosen to be the managing department,when she was just a 1st year student.

And now when she was free and wanted to watch some random show, she had to bicker with Kieran.

"C'mon, can't you treat me a little nicely?" Kieran whined and tried to snatch the remote from Krystal.

"No." Krystal rolled her eyes and continued watching. She finally had some free time and there was no way she would give him the remote.

"Hey, I am going to the store. Do you guys want something?" They heard Kian who was moving towards the door.

"Wait....for me, I need a big hammer to beat this bonehead." Krystal throwed over the remote to Kieran and got up from the couch.

"Thanks, baby. I know you care a lot about me."Kieran gave her a sheepish smile and she only cringed at the word 'baby'.

"Fuck you." She cursed him.

"Don't forget to do so." He winked.

Her upper lip twitched up in disgust and she went off.

On reaching him, she slowed her pace and said, more like commanded," Buy me a soft drink."

Kian nodded,"I never thought I'd hear such a thing from you."

Krystal hummed and after a moment of silence she spoke,"I never thought I'd have to spend my university years with boneheads."

They entered the store and Kian gestured her to sit while he went to purchase the items they needed or wanted. He came back with soft drinks and chips and sat near her.

"You & your friends seem to be too free, ain't you guys assigned for the tasks?" Krystal remarked.

"I'm paired with Suzain for the block decor, we will start tomorrow." He replied.

"I wouldn't know, Jennifer did the pairing." Krystal munched on the chips and asked,"Do you like her?"

The question caught him off guard,"Like whom?" He raised his brows and stated,"Jennifer?"

Krystal nodded. "Nah, we're just friends. None of us maybe have a crush on each other." He replied.

"She is in a long distance relationship." Krystal stated." Yeah, I know." Kian replied.

"She is quite friendly, friendly enough to tell me her phone password." Krystal said.

"You must be just humming or nodding." Kian chuckled.

"Nah, I was waiting for her to give me the passcode to her bank accounts." Krystal sipped on her drink.

And when they were done with their chit-chats, they walked back to the apartment. Roaming here and there until it was time to sleep.

Unlike many, Suzain scrolled through her social media, giggling while reading the memes when suddenly, there was this sudden thump in her heart. She just stared at the woman on the screen and kept staring until her hands shivered.

She sat up on the bed and eyeballed the flawless face, she could do nothing but feel a discomfort in her chest and gawk.

Her eyes grew moist as her eyes roamed from the perfect shapes nose of the woman to her plump and pink lips. The woman's brown eyes seemed to laugh at her and the same lips, Suzain was boring eyes at, seemed to be smirking.

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