2.A Change

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'When I look at you, I think I was destined to love you.'

They say before a storm the sky is clear but Suzain was feeling it. The way her sisters jokes off the professor's instructions, she felt like they would never really be serious in this.

"Okay, enough.Now listen to me." She finally said making them stop joking."Ok, we are serious this time." Ariel replied trying to look serious while Suzain looked at her with an I-am-so-done face.

"Anyways," she said turning back to her normal face," I was told that wehavetoshareourapartment."

"What?! If you say clearly and not in the speed of light, we would probably understand." Aster said with a confused look." We have to share our apartment with I don't know whom." Suzain sighed.

"What?! First, we are going to share our apartment and second, you don't even know with whom!!" Krystal snapped." Hehe, I just---" Suzain awkwardly laughed.

"I feel like dying right now." Krystal said with an annoyed sigh." I swear if we would have to share our apartment with some shithead, I'd burn this university." She added.

"I would add fuel to your fire." Ariel replied.

"Well, when will they shift here?" Aster asked ignoring their 'burning the university' plan. " Umm, I don't know, maybe in 2 to 3 days!?" Suzain replied and gulped down the last bite of her food.

While scrolling through her socials in the middle of the night, a random guy popped in her feed. Well, he wasn't some random guy, he was in fact, the same guy she had encountered a number of times this week.

It felt more weird since never in her life a stranger that too a 'guy' had popped in her feed. Not to deny, she thought,he was handsome and also popular. Yet, she ignored him like the other boys in her grade.

She clicked on his profile and explored, finding videos of him and his friends hanging out together, laughing like maniacs, joking their nuts off and eating at various places. She wondered what they were like.

It was as if he was stuck on her mind.
"Kian Anatole", she whispered his name to herself and soon went into the silence of the night .

The morning after a few days followed her dream and turned it into her monotonous-regular life i.e., a nightmare. She had to separate from her not-so-dear sisters and get to her own class. On the other hand, her sisters had a plan to bunk this 'finance' class.

"Are you coming?" Krystal asked as she and Ariel turned towards their only sister, Aster.
Their hands were on her desk while their body was partially rotated.

Aster sighed," If I were a genius and topper like you, I would have." "Does that mean you are not coming?" Ariel asked. " No", replied Aster.

"Tsk, you gotta have some fun." Ariel said." I would have fun once I be a genius." Aster smiled cheekily.

"Ok then, have fun. We are going." They said as they silently made thier way out of the back door to the backyard.

A class bunk won't hurt more than their backaches caused by the boring class, right?

The yard they went to was not used mostly, so it was a peaceful spot. The grass was wet, but did they care? Thay laid on the grass with a small beam of sunlight falling on their face.

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