3.A change - II

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'When I look at you, I think I was destined to love you.'

Usually mornings are annoying. Waking up with the sun's rays falling directly on your face and the sound of morning traffic trying to tear your ear drum, the warm and cozy blanket yelling at you to dive in once again.


In addition to these,

One more thing was included,

A romantic song at loud volume at 8 AM on the weekend, successfully disturbing the peaceful study session of the girls.

"Ugh!I swear I'd kill them." Ariel grumbled. "Why don't you go and just tell them to turn it off!?" Aster advised.

"I would turn them off if they don't shut it down." Krystal huffed as she went off following by Ariel.

Without a knock on the door, they opened it wide leaving the two boys inside dumbfounded. Well, the scene inside somehow astonished the girls too.

After all, Kieran's left hand was on Aidrean's waist and Aidrean's right hand was on Kieran's shoulder and their other hands gripping each other's as if they were dancing and now were in the perfect position to...KISS?!

"Well...we are sorry to interrupt you in your private time but turn the loudspeaker off." Ariel initiated.

"It's not what you-" Aidrean tried to defend himself after detaching from Kieran. "Oh! Don't worry. We are not biased about this gender thing in love." Krystal cut him off.

"Look-" Kieran said but was cut off by her once again,"Uh! Why are you so insecure. There's nothing to be insecure about."

Then again her voice turned stern and she added , "Just.Turn.Off.The.Speaker."

"We don't-"Aidrean once again tried to speak but Ariel cut him off by speaking sternly," Turn.It.Off."

"We won't turn it off." Kieran finally voiced. "If you didn't turn it off, I would break your bones before you two break up." Krystal warned and left the room.

"TURN.IT.OFF." Ariel glared and her murderous look ultimately made them shut the speaker.


Sitting on the dining for their brunch where the only sound was of munching is awkward. So, soon it was accompanied with a shriek.

Atlas shrieked when Ariel pressed her sneakers on his with such a force that could crush his toes.

"Aww! What happened Atlas?" Ariel said passing him a glass of water with an ever-so-fake smile as he shot her a glare. But her facade remained confident with no ounce of esteem dropping.

"Why did you do that?" He snapped angrily. "You deserved it. You broke my concentration." She gave him a smug smile and got up.

Everyone's attention was on them. Krystal too smirked proudly at her sisters' actions and got up accompanying Ariel.

While their sisters just stayed silent with embarassment creeping inside and their ears getting red.


With a bag full of trash, Kieran and Atlas made their way out of the apartment and the first thing that caught their eyes was a boy teasing two girls loudly. More precisely, verbal harassment.

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