Chapter 14: It Was All A Dream

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Michaels POV:

I was finally back home on break from tour. Never had tour been so lonely but now it's 10x worse. I hated being alone in another country. I didn't know many people, and my family was hundreds of miles away.

I changed into a casual outfit and walked out to the balcony to take some time to myself. Lately I didn't know what to do with myself. I would see her beautiful face on tv, her tour was going great.

I continued to wonder if she had moved on yet. I had kept my promise, but did she keep hers? I couldn't see myself moving on from her, she was my end. I couldn't let her go, not until I knew she was happy.

Before long the sun was setting and I hadn't eaten in a while so I decided to run out and get food.

I went to our favorite place, except without her. I sat at our booth, ordered my usual.

I just wish I was able to go back in time and apologize to her. She didn't deserve the way I treated her that day. She deserves much more than that.

I was dozing off into space until I looked up and heard a familiar voice. It was her. Except only on tv. She was in an interview.

"So Beyoncé how's you and Michael's relationship going? The press hasn't heard from you guys in a while."

"Oh well me and him decided it was best to take a small break. Just to figure ourselves out. We were hurting each other, especially from past traumas so we thought it was best to put a pause on our relationship and figure who we are. Just to protect each others hearts."

"Do you miss him any?"

"Of course, everyday. It been almost two years and I still don't want to believe it. We went from living together to never speaking. Like I said our past experiences were getting in the way of us being able to love each other."

"How are you coping, i'm sure this is a very hard time for you right now. Especially with the tours going on."

"Oh yes it's a very hard time. I decided to move on and bury myself in work. The tour keeps me distracted from the ugly truth that we aren't together. It truly did hurt loosing my best friend, but I hope he's doing much better now."

"Oh baby, i'm so sorry. If only I could see you one more time to apologize." I whispered to myself before lowering my head.

Hearing how she talked broke my heart even more. I felt like she was hiding her true emotions behind her pretty smile. I knew her well enough to know when she was lying through her pain.

I last minute decided to take my food to-go so I paid, grabbed my food, then left.

This time I heard her voice again and I turned my head to see her rushing down the street.

"Bey?" I questioned calling out to her.


My words had frozen and I didn't know what to say anymore. I just ran up to her and brought her close giving her a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry baby, you have to understand that. I'm so sorry. Nothing I can do or say can make up for my childish behavior but still I'm so sorry. I pushed you away instead of listening to you. I should have used my greater sense instead of jumping to conclusions."

"It's fine Michael, but I have to hurry."

"Please give me a hour maybe two. I just need you to hear everything, please i'm begging you.."

"Fine but only two hours, I have some really important things to do."

With those words I rushed and brought her to the car and instructed Wayne to drive to the near beach.

We parked and I hurried to get us out and set up on some nice seats.

"Beyoncé Knowles, I'm sorry for my ignorance. I was scared of what has happened before so I assumed you were going to do the same thing. And I know that wasn't a good assumption but I wasn't thinking with the right mindset."

"It's fine, your mom explained everything to me. And so did Janet. It's all good Michael. It's good to see your doing better."

"So that's all, no arguing or anything."

"Why would I argue, you made it very clear how you felt a two years ago."

"I know but i'm trying to make it up to you. I miss us, you were my light Bey."

"I don't Michael. Well don't get me wrong I do, but I don't miss what you said. You tore me apart Michael. It took me months to recover. I didn't know who I was. I cried my self to sleep every night."

"I know b-"

"No you don't Michael. You kicked me out of what I called home. You left me broken with no regrets." She wiped a tear that was falling down. "Any ways we wouldn't work."

"Why not?"

"I'm pregnant, and I have a son now."

"What? Bey when did.. this happen."

"When you left me."

"Wow you're a mom now, that's great."

"If you're ready for us to get back together then you have to accept my children, even if they aren't yours."

I took a deep breath and swallowed. "Of course I am. I would love to meet them at some poin-"

She cut me off with her laughter and damn near crying. "Michael I'm just playing, I wouldn't step out on you. Not now, before, or ever. You meant...mean to much to me."

My heart began slowing down and took an even deeper breath from nerves. The thought she was pregnant scared me deeply.

"Oh god you scared me. Not saying it's a bad thing but still that made me nervous."

Her and I began to laugh together. It felt nice to laugh with her again. To see her beautiful face light up with her smile.

We continued to talk. About what we were going to do about us, how her tour was going, and how mine was going. It all felt too good to be true. Being make in her presence.

When I looked across the water the sunlight was in the distance. Slowly becoming brighter and bright.

"Michael you know we can't get back together yet right? If we even consider to get back together it must be very slow. We can be friends all over again. I have to gain your trust again. I can't just let you in and not expect you to hurt me again."

"Of course, what ever you want i'll be fine with. Just please don't go leave me forever."

Before I knew it I was back at home, lifting up out my bed. It was all a dream. I couldn't believe it was only a dream. I thought she was back, I thought she had came home to me. But instead I was back where I started.

I rubbed my eyes hoping to see her but she was nowhere to be found. Just like the days before today, except I thought the dream was real this time. But it wasn't.

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