Chapter 7(Chika)

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Chika was scouting her normal area which seemed to be peaceful for the time being. She saw no doubt scouts or any other person from sword hanging around. She headed down the dirty pathway smiling at the children who ran by her and nodding politely to the elderly people. Until Chika looked into the distance spotting three figures the one in the middle was, being supported by the other two. She recognized the guy in the middle it was Takeshi who seemed to be injured. She took off running towards them shouting "Takeshi!" approaching them and applying slight pressure to his wound. Chika was studying to be a doctor and had graduated college, but she was not present at the ceremony due to smokey her younger brother being ill. He had collapsed the day of her graduation and she had left the ceremony in order to tend to him. She knew that smokey was upset about her missing her graduation due to him. But Chika did not regret putting her younger brother first before anything else, she did the same with Lala as well. Smokey had appeared too asking who had inflicted the wound upon Takeshi. As one of the boys explain a doubt scout had stabbed him with a knife. She whipped her head in the direction that they heard the motorcycle approaching in.  Takeru and Mayumi appeared causing Chika to step in front of Takeshi along with the other rude boys going into fight mode. She grabbed Smokey gently by his wrist pulling him towards her. She recognized the two Amamiya siblings, Takeru being the oldest and Mayumi being the middle child. The girl, Mayumi raised both her hands "Woah, relax we come in peace" Chika stared them down still not trusting the outsiders in Nameless city. She watched the female Amamiya look over at Takeshi causing her to step further in front of him. Smokey then spoke up "What are you two doing here again?" Chika waited for a reply as well. Takeru the older amamiya answered "We have some information that needs to be cleared through your words". Then Mayumi added "We'll let you take care of him first and wait for you guys here".

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